We haven’t even talked face to face, though I’ve seen her staring at me a couple of times. I like her a lot and we have a few common interests as well. We’ve talked a lot on texting platforms but it’s usually about assignments and college stuff.
Should I ask her out by texting or face to face? And should I even ask her out rn or first talk to her face to face for a couple of months and then ask her out?
I’ve never been in a relationship before so I’m very nervous and I have self confidence issues as well so this is very hard for me.

  1. When you see her say hi. From there, see how she is around you. If she lingers and engages, ask her if she wants to get lunch or dinner or coffee or whatever.
    If you are nervous about getting rejected, you can always say something like, “hey I’m gonna get lunch, wanna join?”

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