Men, you’re given the reigns to create the next movie or video game in your favorite series. What changes are you going to make?

  1. I’m gonna make it suck on account of the fact I don’t know what I’m doing.

  2. Breaking Bad as a video game would be next level. You could select different characters to do storyline with, or even switch in between at anytime like GTA.

  3. I would fix the Last Airbender movie…i don’t know who thought that it was a good idea. I’d get the first season right in MORE THAN ONE movie because…character development. Maybe 2/3 per season. Give that franchise a chance

  4. – Mix Witcher 3, Skyrim and Kingdom Come Deliverance into one massive game.

    – Return the Resident Evil series to creepy mansions filled with zombies

    – Return the Silent Hill series to Team Silent (Konami plssssss)

    – Turn the Far Cry series into a more immersive, slower paced, less balls to the walls kind of game. Ubisoft games have so much potential but it always falls short..

  5. I’d make Monster Hunter have 60 hour storylines tailored to each weapon and remove the charms/talismans and gems, with the only skills being on the armor itself. Re-introduced monsters would be weekly invasive species that you’d get bonuses for culling from the area, and each week there’d be a new invasive species to take it’s place.

  6. The Flash starring Lucas till as the flash and Anthony star as professor zoom, would be about the reverse flash hiring the rouges to capture the flash

  7. a movie about Clark Kent discovering something sketchy about the government and they try to assassinate him in weird ways but they keep failing and are wondering how he’s still alive, christoper reeve as Clark Kent even tho he’s dead, This is my movie i do what i want

  8. Fallout might have been commercialized beyond redemption but that would be the title I’d try to save. The franchise has three types of fans now. Shooters, 3d RPGs, and Isometric RPGs.

    It needs to be brought back. They went off the rails with 76 and 4. The powerarmor retcon is lame. The rehashed bullshit and the microtransactional elements from 76 were mad shitty.

    It’s old enough that you can make a lot of hay revisiting things. It’s reboot time.

    Gameplay-wise you can keep your shooters and 3d RPG guys happy with combination. We’re starting with a 3d Fallout 1. Its the Fallout 1 story with some of the cut content added in to make it a more complete game. You can even let the player play the unity ending where they allow themselves to get dipped and play as a super mutant to the conclusion. We can get the original game into the hands of the new fans using an engine that gives you shooter RPG style play like Far Cry 3. You start as a clueless idiot from a vault and gain abilities as you progress in level for combat and evironment interaction. Bring in the Fallout 3 & New Vegas VATS. Maybe even let you have a buddy drop in to play as one of your companions. If the level progression is flexible enough the shooter fans can play like shooter fans and the RPG fans can play like RPG fans. Both groups win. They’ll go nuts and you can release Fallout 2 on the same engine for a double shot of cash.
    The bonus is to set up a new Isometric RPG engine and redo not only 1 &2 but 3, NV, 4, and maybe even 76 as cheap PC or even mobile games for originalists and casuals. I know I would buy both.

    If youre addicted to MMORPG money do it with Fallout Brotherhood Tactics. This even lets you call it non-canon again.

    Easy money.

  9. I’m making a Punisher movie with Jon Bernthal coming back, BUT I’m gonna make it a period piece set in the late 1960s. It’s gonna be bloody and gritty, and I’m gonna take Frank back to his roots as a ‘Nam vet.

  10. Make the next Red Dead with complete new characters, but have small cameos of the Van Der Linde gang. Maybe play as a corrupt lawman in this one.

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