i know this seems like such a prune question, but my girlfriend and I abstain from sex but we engage in every other type of “foreplay” i guess. the past three days have been her birthday celebrations, once with family, once with me and then once with her friends. i planned something sweet for her birthday, but one thing led to another and we JUST embraced eachother, a lot. I’m not complaining! it was consensual and exactly what we wanted, the next day, today – she went out with her friends and it wasn’t so great, i cheered her up for an hour or two, and we went on to talk over the phone for 8 hours after that, having intense phone sex maybe 6 times within that; overall also talking about how good we’ve both been doing as we’ve gotten to a point where we both finish every time, even doing research into how to improve it FURTHER inbetween the phone sex (this went on from 3am to 11am). the issue is that now i feel as if our relationship has gone too sexual, i overthink a lot and probably have a dozen mental illnesses that i’m not aware of and just wanted to know if i should take this as a good thing or if this is a sign it could lead to something worse, like maybe she wasn’t content with me before, or she’s not content with me now and all we have is sex. maybe even just signs i should look out for moving forward. thank you

1 comment
  1. Ahhh overthinkers, were a fun bunch huh? Ultimately, communication is the most important thing in a relationship, what i would do were i you, figure out how your feeling about things and how they are right now, then have a chat with her. kinda like how i see a doctor for an appointment but nothings wrong, sit her down and say hey, how have you felt about things lately, not from like a is there something wrong standpoint, but just genuinely interested and through that conversation you can gauge how shes feeling and if its something she wants to slow down or speed up on.

    Communication is key, in all relationships, but i think this is far from something to consider bad or a sign of bad until you know for sure. You might even learn other things in the relationship that could be worked on or other things shes interested in trying with you even not sexually

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