So ladies how would you feel if the man that you’re going to marry told you that he’s not going to shave his beard, get a haircut, trim his beard, wash his hair or anything for the wedding. He’s just going to get up and go. And he’s not, not doing those things for cultural or religious reasons. He just doesn’t care how he looks at your wedding. But you tell him that you’re going to make sure that you look extra beautiful, the most beautiful that he’s ever seen you look.

Me and my fiance had this conversation the other night and that’s pretty much what she told m (but from a woman to a man). And no she didn’t say those things because of cultural, religious or feminist reasons. I don’t want to sound like a superficial dick or anything, but her telling me that is like then what’s the point in planning this super formal wedding then. If you’re just going to show up and not try to look your best. She legit told me that she was just going to throw her hair up in a messy bun and told me some other things too. And for me I feel like in that case I might as well just wake up and go wearing the clothes I wore for a pick up soccer game that day. Might as well not even wear a suit.

  1. And she wasn’t joking? It does seem kind of pointless to have a formal wedding and just throw your hair up in a bun. Was something said or done that may have pissed her off beforehand and maybe she was just saying that to get a rise outta you? I got married at the courthouse and still dressed nice, did my makeup and had my friend do my hair. No big deal but I wanted to look decent, especially cause we took a few informal pics.

    Edited for spelling error*

  2. Haven’t felt like I had to. She’s always talking about how she’s looking forward to the wedding and asking me questions about venues or sending me pics of locations.

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