Ik some men don’t want to date women taller than them & other men don’t like dating women way shorter than them because height differences cause issues. So, what would your ideal height difference be w/ a partner compared to ur own height?

  1. Preferably tall, doesn’t matter if taller than me, I think the slim tall type is nice

  2. My ideal would be slightly shorter.
    More than a head shorter or slightly taller also works fine.
    Really short or much taller would feel weird, but I wouldn’t totally rule it out.

  3. Honestly, I don’t know for sure. I haven’t had enough women close to my height or taller than me in order to fully explore the subject.

    As far as attraction goes, my preference tends towards the extremes, either for very tall women or very short women.

  4. Ive dated taller and shorter. It doest matter. Hot is Hot and if they Cool they are Cool.

  5. I’m 5′ 10″ and usually go for women between 5’5″ and 5’7″ im just average…

  6. Shorter preferably. Will take whatever height I can take though, definitely nowhere near a deal breaker

  7. Not too much shorter than me (182cm) please.

    My preference is for women over at least 170cm (5’7″ in US units?). Taller is better.

  8. I used to want tall guys but I’m an inch or 2 taller than my husband and I’m still with him so I guess in the end height really doesn’t matter if you love the person.

  9. I’m 6’1. One of my exes is 5’9 and that was the perfect height. If she wore 3 inch heels and I wore dress shoes, our heights were only a couple inches apart.

    Also, it was nice to know if we had kids my children would at least have being tall in their favor.

  10. I’m 5’8 and tend to gravitate to women around the same height, between the 5’5 to 5’9 range.

    I’ve dated shorter (5’1) and taller (6’0) though. It’s a preference but not a hard rule lmao

  11. I have zero choice in the matter. Finding a woman who’s 6’ or over is like finding a unicorn.

  12. There is no wanted height for me tbh. I think girls height between 1.40m-2.00m are fit to me. I don’t really care about height but if she is so small for me i might feel she might kinda comparison to me would be like look like a child and that would make me uncomfortble and afraid. I have belive i might be have pocd(fear of being a pedophile) or not. But i defanitly taste for adult woman or even might be man. Anyway, i won’t go deep on details. For bigger woman for myself, i feel like if we ever gonna ever be sex with my potantial partner, i feel like she probably gonna dominate me in sex and thats coming to me unfamiliar or if she want to be bottom in sex i don’t think i won’t be able to satisfy her.

  13. I mean I’m 5’5″ so finding shorter women is kinda hard. Shouldn’t be like 6’0 though.

  14. Around my height. Much easier to look at them, hug, caress, etc. when we’re standing on a pretty much equal level.

  15. Would like someone shorter than me (I’m a 6”5 male) around 5”11 is perfect. I believe my partner is 5”11.

    But for some reason I’ve always been super lustful toward women who are like 6”5 or 6”6+. Wifey material is definitley 5”11

  16. Ideally height shouldn’t matter, but I’d say because I’m tall, I prefer a guy who is taller than myself so at least 5’10″+

    Otherwise, I would most likely steamroll over him and step on him with my stilletto heels

  17. I am 6’7″, and my wife is 5’11”. So, therefore, 5’11” is my perfect height for a woman.

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