my boyfriend wanted to try anal first, he went in painfully and fucked me hard, it hurt the whole time but it was tolerable. then he tried to go into my vagina but it was way tighter and it just didn’t expand at all, it was extremely painful. he tried just the tip in and it barely went inside. when i wiped all the lube off, my hand was covered in blood. i’m assuming if it was my hymen, his penis would’ve at least gone inside a little bit but no. it didn’t go in. why did i bleed? was it my ass? my vagina?

  1. Maybe both. For a vaginal penetration try to be on your back with your booty on the edge of the bed. And legs flexed by the knee but spreaded

  2. What the hell? I’m horrified reading this. It was your first time, did you do any anal training first? You cannot just apply lube and stick it in, there’s supposed to be a training process to work up to it. Same thing with your vagina, you should be getting oral and fingering first before a penis comes anywhere near it.

    I’m so sorry this was your first experience with sex, it is not supposed to be this bad!

    You need to put the brakes on this and go back to basics.
    You should not be tolerating pain.

  3. Girl, it is coming from a loving place, please dump him. Sounds like he knows nothing about sex or respect.

    Edit: I just want to add… Anal should not be performed without prep. Some people need surgery because of things like this. Condom should be changed after anal and before vaginal sex, otherwise you might get an infection. If you had anal without prep it is “normal” for your vagina to be extremely tight. Your boyfriend should have been gentle with your for your first time and if he were a pro he would have even tried to make you cum before trying to penetrate you.
    Please keep in mind that your body is yours, not his. There are plenty of good guys on this planet.

  4. Wtf? Did you guys do any foreplay? Did he prep you at all for anal? You can’t just stick it right in like that. Also was this one instance of sex? Did he go right from the butt to the vagina? Because that can cause a lot of issues as well.

    Honestly idk if you’re both just unaware of this or if he was intentionally disrespectful to you, but you really need to sit down and educate yourself on how to do these things safely. None of this is normal.

  5. Like others said, this is crazy.

    Sex is to enjoy, also for you. It should not be ‘tolerable’, it should be pleasurable.

    I suggest you focus on mastrubating in stead of sex with someone else. Your body and mind might need some time to learn/remember that sex is good. Try to insert a finger or maybe even dildo if you feel ready for it. Don’t force it, you don’t need to. If it still hurts or you can’t get anything in, you should check out r/vaginismus or Google it.

  6. The blood could have been from anal. It’s happened to me. I think you should ask your bf to slow down and be a little gentler next time.

  7. What the hell? This is not how sex is meant to be. Maybe he‘s watched too much porn.

    Anal sex requires prep & training. You start with *a single finger*. Maybe even the pinky finger. With copious amounts of lube. Then you move up to one or two larger fingers. Maybe even three. You do so gently, with more lube and over lots of time. Not in a single session. Once you‘re comfy with fingers you can try a penis in there. But not hard. It should be gentle. You are not pornstars. Your boyfriend sounds like an awful human being.

    As someone else said: what goes in your anus (condom/dick/finger) does not go into your vagina afterwards. It needs changing or cleansing.

    After your boyfriend hurt you, obviously your vagina wasn‘t wet or relaxed. So obviously he couldn‘t fit in. Nor should he. You bled because he was unnecessarily rough, careless and loveless with your body. Have yourself examined by a doctor.

    Plus: the hymen is not a seal that covers your vagina and breaks when a penis enters. If that were so, how would women‘s period blood come out? The hymen is more like a scrunchy that surrounds your vagina‘s entrance. And not all women have hymens. And it doesn‘t always break. Some women have given birth to children and still retained intact hymens. There is no biological way to ascertain virginity. Because it‘s a social construct.

    Go to a doctor – they can tell you what part of your body bled. And get a new boyfriend.

  8. Wtf??? Please tell me you didnt do PIA then PIV without changing condom or raw. What he did was not okay AT ALL. It should not hurt you and it absolutely should not bleed like that. The problem here was that you weren’t comfortable nor turned on bc you wasnt having a good time thats why it could not enter. Im so sorry your first experience was like that. You need a lot of foreplay and for anal you need to have experience and train. Please go to a doctor, he couldve tear your inner anus or rectum or vagina

  9. So many things wrong with this. You should get examined by a Dr. if you have ANY issues with anything happening in or even near your vagina or anus. Some of what you have talked about can cause anything from infections to major taring damage. I wouldn’t thing that your hymen would have torn if he didn’t go in, but I could be wrong. Also, once your hymen is broken (can happen from things other than penetration), if you ever bleed that much from sex and aren’t on your period, seek medical attention.

    As to what happened during, this guy is a jerk. If you gave him indications that it was painful, like saying ‘ow’, and he didn’t find a better way to do it, that’s a big red flag. I’m not saying you have to immediately break up with him, but you need to confront him about what happened. You need to sit down with him and explain your point of view. If he brushes it aside or won’t listen, or anything like that, then yeah, you probably should leave him. This event comes dangerously close to assault and if you don’t confront him about it, it will continue and it will become assault. This is not BDSM play and he isn’t a dom and don’t let him try to tell you otherwise.

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