While browsing about Japanese cars, I was surprised to see comments by Americans saying that they prefer the cars to be made in Japan rather than the US in order to preserve “Japanese quality.” While having a product made in your country is a point of pride, what products would you rather be made somewhere else?

  1. >While having a product made in your country is a point of pride, what products

    That’s a mercantilistic hoax. A good consumer buys whatever’s cheaper and or is higher quality regardless of the country of origin.

  2. There’s a style of saw that I can’t spare the money for but would really like to have or try, and I believe it’s Japanese.The origin atleast was.

    I’m sure there’s more products I specifically want, I’m just drawing a blank and that was the first thing I could think of.

  3. I think a lot of Americans prefer Japanese car brands but not necessarily cars made in japan. A lot of the Toyotas, Subarus, Hondas, etc are made in the USA.

  4. Sunscreens made in other countries use UV filters that are not approved by the FDA. The US is really behind in that area so sunscreens made here use the same types of filters that have been around for years. I prefer the newer filters that are used in European, Asian, and Australian sunscreens because they are less likely to irritate, offer very good protection, and are reef safe.

  5. Candy in general.

    I will vigorously defend America in almost every instance…

    …except candy.

    We really dropped the ball in this one, guys.

  6. Funny thing is, a great many Japanese car companies manufacture their cars here.

  7. Japanese/Taiwanese bottled iced green tea. I wish there was a more local product of the same quality that was easily available, but every single American brand is so much worse* that I make trips out to Asian markets and have alerts on Amazon for price drops.

    *Either they add sugar, or don’t brew it enough, or something… I don’t know exactly what it is. Maybe it is just the Vitamin C added to the Japanese brands that makes it taste more like stronger tea.

  8. Whisky.

    If you want bourbon then sure get American.

    But if you want straight whiskey or scotch the Irish and Scottish respectively do it best.

  9. Chef knives. I have Japanese, but Germany makes good stuff as well.

    Wristwatches is another one. Japan makes some nice pieces like Seiko, but the Swiss are known world-wide for their timepieces.

    …and while I’m thinking about it… the Swiss Army knife. Although probably not made in Switzerland exclusively, they get a lot of credit for the invention.

  10. I honestly never pay it any mind. On the rare occasion I do look *and* it’s Made in USA, then I’m like “huh, neat. Don’t see that often.”

  11. I prefer my Japanese *brand* (Nissan), but my car was *assembled* in Tennessee. I’m good with that.

  12. If a Sig doesn’t say Made in W. Germany my interest in it takes a nosedive.

  13. If I’m buying a Tilley hat, I want it to be one that was made in Canada

  14. Cars. Not all, but at least my own. Watches, because Switzerland exists. There are specific brands and stuff that are made in other countries that because of their quality or some aspect of them, I prefer them.

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