We met a few days ago and they’re only in town for a few weeks. She’s shown pretty obvious interest in me but I’m just unsure how to feel about it. Is she too young? We’re both in college so I guess there’s that but idk it just seems a little off to me. Is it weird or am I thinking too deep about it?

  1. I personally use the half your age plus 7 rule and then it just depends on how mature she is. 18 and 22 could be completely fine or a mess, we can’t tell from the information you’ve given, but if it makes you uncomfortable I obviously wouldn’t recommend starting anything.

  2. The age difference is totally fine! Don’t even worry about it. Have fun! Close enuff. Four years isn’t so many especially with how young the two of you are.

  3. It’s not weird, just imagine if she was one year older and you were one year younger it wouldn’t even be a question!

  4. Met my S/O when I was 22, and she was 18. I will admit it did feel weird, but you’re good homie.

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