
  1. Stop going after married women or lesbians.
    We can’t always get what we want.

  2. Not care? I improved for myself. Go overseas if you have that much of a problem.

  3. If a woman doesn’t like you just move on, also there is no such thing as a “maximum”. Maybe you are showing you care too much and it seems desperate. Here’s a tip, stop caring about women, focus on feeling good yourself.

  4. Maybe reassess what you think “self improvement” means? If it’s not working for you, it’s possible you’re prioritising things that women don’t actually want?

  5. You likely have not improved to your maximum unless your maximum is really low (highly unlikely unless you’re physically disfigured or something like that). Also, you’re probably shooting for women that feel like they have better options than you. You need to look at who you’re competing with to figure out what you’re lacking.

  6. Chances are you’re nowhere near your max:

    * make more money
    * become more charismatic/charming/funny
    * get more buff

  7. Some good comments in here…

    If you are not getting the women you are attracted to, it means those particular women are not attracted to you. No big deal. Move on to showing interest to different women you are attracted to.

    Unfortunately, this is a volume game. Keep your machine gun loaded and the trigger always pulled until you meet someone that works for you.

  8. You have to figure out why you are being rejected. Take an honest assessment of your unattractive qualities. Get feedback from strangers or people you trust that can tell you hard truths. Figure out if these are things that you can improve, or max your stats in other areas.

  9. You are probably only talking physical self improvement. Now you need to start working on your intellectual self and your confidence.

    Basically you also need that “I have a GF “ energy as well. That confidence is what is going get the job done.

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