I came from humble background. I remember graduating college at 22 struggling out in the real world. Worked a retail job for like 8 dolllars with 24 hours a week lmao. I was pretty depressed for a long time. Struggled for awhile and started thinking about my plan. My goal at the time was pretty basic and it was make over 6 figures and work for this company that gives awesome benefits with a pension plan in my hometown at that time. The golden handcuffs. So I went back to school then worked in another state to get some experience, make 6 figures and now I got that job in that company I wanted back then. I applied to multiple places and the one that gave me the offer was the job in my hometown. I was happy for a bit but that wore off. That was what the old me would have wanted.

I changed. Handful of years passed I traveled across the US and experienced new things. Grew as a person. In a way I feel sad that I am moving back to my hometown, but its an awesome job and I will have to take it cause its hard to get hired there. Way better than the job I currently have. Yeah its safe, its practical, comfortable but boring. Now I wanna be happy. Not passionate about my job. Pretty much chose the path of practicality over passion. Now I find myself bored with life and unmotivated. Adulting is tough cause if you are part of the single crew most of your friends by 30 have spouse, married, or too busy with work. Harder to make friends when you are older too.

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