So I ( 25 F) started to date my new S.O (29 M).
So far, he is amazing! He is literally what I was looking for: kind, generous, compassionate… what else? Although it is so early on, I feel he is the one. You know – THE ONE.
His feeling about me is mutual.

We are only few weeks , but it feels like forever.

I don’t want to screw up this amazing thing.

So – how do you know if you’ve met your love of your life?

TLDR: I have no idea how to know if my new bf is the one although I am sure about this.

  1. Any generally nice person can feel like the one only a couple weeks in. Especially when you’re younger. But you do genuinely need actual longevity in your relationship before you can know for sure. Think 1 year or more. Don’t let this new relationship hype convince you to make any huge decisions you’re very not ready for.

  2. You can get a fair notion around the 7 month mark and usually have a good idea by around the 2 year mark. When you love somebody, you love them for the mental image of who you think they are. As you get to know somebody better and better, that mental image becomes a more accurate representation of who they really are, and so your feelings become more truly about them and not about who you assume them to be, which is why there is no shortcut for real love.

    Also, you generally need to see how you handle disagreements and problems together to determine if you can civilly talk through things and work as a team to find ways for both of you to be happy together.

  3. There is no such thing. Please get this idea that some cosmic force will bring you to your soul mate. Relationships are always a choice on both of your parts. If you want to make it work, and so does he then do that

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