Men of reddit, what are the signs that a girl is into u??

  1. Let me be straight with you: We don’t like trying to find Blue’s Clues. We are completely clueless on hints and even if we did notice, we’d assume you’re being nice or it’s just accidental. Can’t take anything seriously

  2. Impossible to tell.

    Say a girl is dancing on you in a club, and you’re buying her drinks and she is accepting them gratefully, is she into you? Maybe, maybe not.

    What about if she laughs at all your jokes and initiates physical touch? Again, maybe, maybe not.

    If she’s actually verbally telling you that she is into you, and wants to pursue something with you, this is a sure sign that she is either into you, or not into you. It’s impossible to tell.

  3. She dramatically faints into your arms while putting the back of her hand to her forehead just because you walk in the room.


  4. I’ve learned signs don’t mean a thing. Women are confusing to themselves and others. When she says “I want you”, then you know. Everything else is fantasy

  5. She plays with her hair, stands closer to you than needed usually, laughs at unfunny jokes, taps/hits you playfully, is nicer to you than others.

  6. The only way to know if a girl is into you is reading her mind. The rest of *the signs* are, most of them, interpretable.

  7. does she like being close to you,or does she avoid any and all close contact? If she doesn’t mind you slightly touching her here and there(finger tips,top of the hand,elbows,lower leg are all safe bets) and she returns the touch or contact you can probably bet she at least likes you a little.

  8. 99.9% of men do not know the answer to this mystery. Quite a lot of women dont really know their own mind either.

    If you suspect someone like you, lut yourself out there and take a risk. You might get a result, you might get rejected. Either way, you move on from uncertain stasis.

  9. I have no clue.

    Since very few women choose to be direct about stuff like that, it goes way over my head.

  10. 900997766 topics just like this one have proven that we don’t have a clue.

  11. My experience is the biggest sign is staring. They will repeatedly look at you.

  12. If you wanna know if a girl you know is into you just go and ask her, no other way unless you can find someone who can read minds 🤷

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