I am planning to have my mom drop off my ex’s things next week. We have been broken up for a little over a week.

He broke up with me, seemingly out of nowhere. He had some medical scares a week before that I think may have contributed. (Long story). However, I am hoping he will regret it and reach out. I really want to try and work on things with us.

When we broke up I told him I would get his stuff back to him and he said “you can just throw it out.”

I am planning to put a note on the bag that says “[His Name], I didn’t feel right throwing these things away.”
Should I say anything else? Like “I hope you are doing okay.” Or “text me if you ever want to talk.”?

I want to stick to no contact to try and make him miss me. But I really want to talk to him.

  1. It sounds like there is a level of depression going on here? Usually when someone is OK with just throwing all of the stuff away, especially with medical scares, someone is planning on dying. I hope that he reaches out to you too, and I hope that he is able to get through his medical issues. I think that may be going on is that he doesn’t want to die while dating you? Maybe right now a person he knows that he can still talk to in case he’s feeling down is exactly what he needs?

  2. I think you can do what ever you want. I would be so honest to write something like “ I will always care for you”

  3. I don’t really understand it but many folks have a fundamental misunderstanding of going no-contact.
    Some people seem to view it as some sort of relationship voodoo which can be employed to get a former partner back.

    When in reality, it is really only useful as means of gaining distance from a former relationship in order to heal.

    If you want to leave a note, then leave a note. Your ex may not be interested in responding to the note but writing one isn’t going to sabotage the workings of some mystical no-contact juju.

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