i.e. ending things with an emotionally & intellectually compatible person because the sex was bad.

  1. The same way you do for any other reason: be polite and kind, but let them know that the relationship isn’t working out for you.

  2. Just be honest, it’s going to hurt like a motherfucker for them but be polite and as nice as possible, tell them you just don’t feel it and you want to end things before they get more invested.

  3. Be truthful and just tell them. Wish them well and be on your way.

  4. Be kind, it can be hard to hear that someone isn’t sexually attracted to/compatible with you. Just word it nicely so they don’t feel unattractive or sexually inept. And don’t drag it out, let them know as soon as you know. Someone actually ended things with me once for this same reason, it sucked because we had hooked up multiple times and he didn’t say anything about not feeling sexual compatibility with me until after we had sex (my first time). I would have much rather he had been upfront about it the first time we hooked up when he realized it (as he told me later) than dragging it out and having sex with me (he knew it was my first time).

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