I actually can’t believe I’m writing this but very short story: my boyfriend (17M) wants to give a break to our two years and half relationship. Thanks to her mother.

We were on a saturday on his couch and I just wanted to be cuddled. I knew exactly her mother and father were not focusing on us and they were on some other stuff so I decided “hey, i want a cuddle”. Literally that cuddle was like less than a minute because it was in the morning and I needed to come back home in less than an hour (I needed to come back home at 12AM). We were still kind-of in the closet, even I tought it was very obvious our relationship as boyfriends. Everybody knew it, except for their parents.

So, thanks to that little and unsignificant cuddle, my boyfriend came out to his parents, he told me in private that we needed to take a break because her mother (F42) tought i “forced him” with that stupid cuddle to come out of the closet. I literally cannot exaggerate this, I’m totally dead serious that this was the total reason. Now i can’t visit his house, talk to him or try to bring back my relationship. She accepts me “as a friend but not as a romantic relationship” as in her words.

I already know he still loves me, but I need to convince her mother that I’m a cool dude. We did never fight or tell something bad to each other, I am cool with her, but turn out she hates me. She shit talked me, and I knew this thanks to my boyfriend itself, who told me this. She really helped me through a lot and I don’t even know what did I made to hate her. I knew I’m not a rich dude and I still use a lot of the clothes my BF gave to me, but I still can’t process that stupid cuddle what what began this issue. I really can’t stop thinking about this, I cried, screamed and freaked out in less than two days of this, and i don’t even know what to do anymore, fuck. I still love him but I need to know what to do with his mother. I don’t think I ever did any wrong to anybody, I gave everything of myself to everybody and it still can’t think about what did I do wrong.

TL;DR: Thanks to a cuddle I did with my boyfriend, he came out and his parents said that i forced him to come out of the closet, and now they hate me even if I did nothing wrong. I don’t know how to change their perspective of me, because I did nothing wrong.

1 comment
  1. You can’t change others. Ever.

    So they’re happier with him in the closet? Or do they think that you “turned him gay”? As you know, both are wrongheaded.

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