Dear Men, what keeps you strong during those shitty days when nothing seems to go right?

  1. The thought of my daughter and knowing I’ve got to continue going on for her.

  2. Responsibilities to my family and spouse. You have to find an anchor bigger than yourself.

  3. “One day I’ll be dead and none of this shit will matter at all.”

    And keep slogging through as best I can

  4. Spite.

    Edit: Christ, this went atomic lol thanks for the gold and remember: Spite is the true spice of life.

  5. Remembering the way she looks at me. I’d do anything for for that smile. Hell and back, all the way.

  6. The need to keep things on their tracks. Can’t afford to flip my desk over and tell my boss to fock off.

  7. Music

    It always helps in calming me down, motivating me and keeping me optimistic, highly recommend

  8. Reminding myself of the last exit and that it’s my decision to stay or to leave.


    Can’t get enough, when I’m not playing it it’s all I ever think about, I swear I think more now about disc golf now than I ever did about sex as a teenager.

  10. One day ill be dead and i wont have the choice. Im watching the weird story of life roll out, laughing at all the bullshit and spending most of my days offending mostly everyone with my views.

    Its misery pain and frustration, but that makes that 5 percent of the time even better

  11. Knowing that it doesn’t last forever and that I’ll probably laugh at this day when it’s all said and done

  12. Bad times don’t last, and I’ve been in the shit before.

    I’ll be fine. I just put some music on, and go for a walk.

    I might even buy some chocolate to make me feel better as well.

  13. Honestly, throughout the majority of my life the only thing that has kept me from taking the Rope or a headshot or getting creative with a razor blade has always been my fear of going to hell.

    I know pretty much everybody who reads this is an atheist and doesn’t believe in hell but I do. Even though I am not a Catholic I worry that they might be correct about self-ending being a non-stop flight to hell for all eternity.

    Regardless of what you believe, this one aspect has kept me on the planet for 23 years longer than I would have otherwise been here. Everybody needs something to get them through to the next day when they have nothing to live for, for me it’s fear of the potential consequences.

  14. Get through today and tomorrow will be better, eventually it’ll be over and you can rest, have a bath, watch crap telly and snuggle with the mrs. This to shall pass.

  15. Devil is gonna have to take me kicking and screaming. I WON’T be parted from my chocolate hobnobs. They can pry the packet from my cold dead fingers.

  16. I try and remember the times when life was shittier. All through my college years I feel depressed, frustrated and suicidal. Wanted to jump in front of the train I’d take to college every day.
    I tell myself that the worst part of my life is probably over. If I dealt with all that without any support, then this should be fine.

    Wow: just checked my notifications. Thank you everyone who wrote down their positive comments. You all made my day.

  17. My cat. It’s like he knows I need help and comes up to cuddle more often than normal days.

    I love him.

  18. The rule of 9. Will I be okay? In 9 seconds? No? 9 minutes? No? 9 hours? Maybe I’ll feel better. 9 days? Still won’t be over it? 9 weeks?

    Basically, majority of the problems in your life get better with time. If you’re not gonna be thinking about it in 9 hours or 9 days then why let it bother you. 9 weeks? Then you’ll just have to tough it out. And 9 months? Who can say, life is crazy; anything can happen in 9 months.

  19. I’ve just got that fighting spirit. I’ve been homeless. I’m turning 27 soon. Maybe it’s because I’m still young. I’m an alcoholic. Some days I just wish I would get struck by lightning. I just keep going. Even through the withdrawals. My coworkers worry about me. The only thing I know is to go.

  20. Look at me. I’m fat, Black, can’t dance, and I have 2 gay fathers. People have been messin’ with me my whole life. I learned a long time ago that there’s no sense gettin’ all riled up every time a bunch of idiots give you a hard time. In the end, the universe tends to unfold as it should. Plus, I have a really large penis. That keeps me happy.

  21. The gym helps me with working my frustrations.

    My hammock

    Getting quiet moments to myself. These seem to help the most

  22. That no matter how crappy my day is going, someone has had a much worse day then me, so I so be thankful I’m not them.

  23. Realizing that no one is coming to save me or comfort me. I’m alone in this world and disposable. My value lies in my utility. No room for tears. An able body means you’re able to get thru it.

  24. This is going to be an odd one, but bare with me.

    NOT that you have a loved one right now, or a girlfriend, or a partner, or whatever. Thats just turning the burden of strength onto someone else, and they can always leave you or be busy or tired or disappoint you. You’re just placing faith in something else.

    Instead, remember the times when you were loved, focus on those feelings, but not on the person who provided them. Turn it inward. Even if it ended. Especially if it ended. Because you’re a strong person, with a big heart, capable of loving and being loved in return. You once opened your heart to the world and it was beautiful and glorious, and you can be beautiful and glorious once again.

    Thats what helps me.

  25. All you can do is the best you can do. Whatever that gets you, is the best for that day. Wake up tomorrow and give it your best again. Sometimes my best isn’t very good. I give it anyway. That’s all I can control. Over time, it adds up.

    Investing in the future you is always worth your time.

  26. The fact that I always hold the tiniest sliver of hope that I might be able to fix things.

    It keeps me alive, it gets me out of bed; but also it drives me insane, bit by bit, and day by day, because it renders me incapable of being at peace and accepting my situation.

    It’s sort of paradoxical in a way – a strength which will eventually weaken and destroy me.

  27. if i die i can no longer climb trees or smack things with sticks. return to monke keeps me sane

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