How long were you official before you told your SO you were in love? How did it go? Did they say it back straight away?

Edit:: I’d love to hear all the romantic stories of how you realised you were in love with them and how you told them/how they reacted

  1. I don’t think the time matters so much as how far your relationship has progressed. Does it feel natural? Are you saying it because you actually love them, or because you think you should say it? Have you taken time to think deeply about what it means to love someone? If you can honestly answer these questions to yourself, there’s not really any reason to hold back.

    I told my SO about a month in. She said she wasn’t sure yet, but a month later she verbally acknowledged that the feeling was mutual.

  2. We’d been involved for almost 7 months and official for close to 4. I had a feeling he felt it too so I just said it. I was right

  3. I waited 3 months, felt so close to him. We’d had deep conversations, met each other’s friends and family, spent every day together for months, gone on trips together etc. He teared up and looked at me quietly for a long time and then said that those words were hard for him to say but that he cared about me so much, more than anyone he’d been with before.

    He dumped me out of the blue 2 weeks later.

  4. Until you’re ready. My partner and i both said it to each other before we even started dating. Wed been friends for about seven months

  5. It’s not about time. It’s about the person and the moment. Just say it. It’s the only way to know if they feel the same.

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