What’s one thing about your state you’re really proud of?

  1. Polygamy!

    Just kidding! The polygamists are actually in Arizona. 🙂

    For real though…

    Not that it’s an accomplishment or anything… but the sheer amount of public land and how beautiful it is.

    I think Nevada is the only State with more in the lower 48… but it’s all military bases and gross scrub brush.

  2. All the small farms with little festivals and all the local city and town festivals. Nothing mind blowing but always fun and wonderful to visit.

  3. We basically invented the idea of religious freedom and separation of church and state. Decades before Locke’s famous *Letter Concerning Toleration* the Baptists and congregationalist dissenters from Massachusetts had already set up their “lively experiment.. with a full liberty in religious concernment… to secure them in the free exercise and enjoyment of all their civill and religious rights”

  4. The state’s natural beauty and that’s about it. Outside our governor our politics suck, our public services suck, everything other than natural beauty and LOC of living in this state absolutely sucks.

  5. Unpopular opinion, but I’m personally proud that Alabama doesn’t have the lottery.

    I’ve personally seen too many people throw away tens of thousands of dollars they could’ve spent to support their families on lottery tickets and get little to nothing for it. A family friend of my in-laws in NY has an entire pickup truck cabin full of just losing tickets and his life is ruined by his gambling addiction. My grandfather was also a gambling addict and if AL had the lottery, I’m sure that he would’ve lost his house and family to it.

    I’ve always seen the lottery as just the “poor man’s tax”, bleeding the poor of what little left they have on a miniscule chance to make it big cause winning is near the only option they feel they have left, while the only real winner is the state that rakes in the taxes from it.

    Alabama’s the opposite of perfect and I want things to be better here, but this is one piece of the state that I’m proud of.

  6. How our community comes together following hurricanes. For all the division in the world today, no one’s picking and choosing who gets pulled out of the water or given food and shelter based on race or politics when it comes down to it.

  7. Maryland. The only thing I like about it is that it’s easy to go to better places that are nearby (e.g., NYC, NJ, Philadelphia).

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