Its seriously screwing up my life. Im generally a hardworking and reliable person, but my personality kinda sucks. I have tried in the past to hide my personality but people usually find out eventually. I’ve lost jobs, and destroyed relationships. It’s very hard for me to get a job, most of the time i don’t even notice it. I have monotone voice, and have habbit of using harsh language most people think im pissed off all the time. I hate drama, and don’t want to hear about other peoples problems. I find that most people are overly sensitive and get ticked off by the smallest of things, which when that happens I have a hard time finding the right words. I’m pretty good at staying calm, only in extreme situations do i ever get mad.

  1. Are you a drunk, an addict, an attorney, or raised in a drunk, addict, or attorney household? There’s a 12 step program to stop being an A-hole you just need to understand what happened to you.

  2. im no expert but a simple answer is just be nice.

    like an example would be to think before you say things i know when you hear things there’s gonna be that initial thought in ur head it may be negative but think of another way to say it. i’m sure you are aware of somethings you say and it always gets a negative reaction just don’t say it anymore try to catch yourself.

    another way is doing nice things for people just makes you a nice person in general. i think if ur an asshole that does nice things people will understand that u have a good heart u just have a difficult way of expressing it.

    obviously and naturally most of us don’t care about people’s problems but when they do rant and complain just listen. if they do something that annoys you, you don’t always have to say something you can keep to yourself.

    you could say things common things like “thank you” “of course” “i’m sorry” etc. just so they know ur sincere.

    i think just doing things that reminds people that ur human other than a hardworking robot will always make you less of an asshole.

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