We’ve been together for almost 3 and a half years, sincer we were 17, in highschool, and we were both virgins when we got together. It has been the most amazing relationship i have been in, and i used to love her from the bottom of my heart, but something recently changed in me, and i am scared that i am falling out of love. To give context, for the past 2 months we lived in the same town, while we were going to college, and we used to see eachother almost every day. It was great, i used to look forward to every single date we had. 2 weeks ago i got my first full time job, which is great, like a regular 9-5, and i slept at hers every night, and we didn’t have sex, just one time, because i didn’t want to (everytime we slept together we had sex) . I always told her i was tired or i was not in the mood right now, but i just dont see her as sexy as i used to. In these 2 weeks we’ve only had sex once, and it didn’t feel like i was making love to her, it was just plain sex, for me at least. I am starting to think that i am too young to be with the first girl i have ever been with for the rest of my life, i feel like i am trapped in this relationship without no escape. How do i fall in love with her again without taking a break?


Long story short, after 3 and a half years i dont love my gf anymore and i don’t want to break up with her. What should i do to fall in love with her again?

  1. I vote yes. If you don’t love her or find her sexually attractive anymore she deserves to be free to go find that somewhere else.

  2. If you have to post this question on here, then yes. I think it’s best to do it.

  3. Maybe you just need a break to see how you feel with some time alone? Only because you don’t have a great reason, unless you’re just simply not attracted to her anymore after getting a 9-5..? I got together with my husband in 11th grade (I was a virgin, he was definitely not) and we are now 29 and just got married after 12 years together. It’s not easy.

  4. You should try to make things more interesting. When’s the last time you went on a date together? Have you tried to do anything different with sex? It doesn’t sound like you have any issue with her other than this, which is pretty darn good imo. Only after you’ve tried everything should you consider breaking up.

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