I’ve (20f) been with my bf 25m for 3 months. I’ve had two guy friends for two years that I met at my first job.. we hung out a lot before I got together with my boyfriend, and drifted off when he and I got together bevause we Spent so much time together. I asked male friend (19m) asked to hangout this weekend, I asked my boyfriend if I could go and he said no. I was upset.. my boyfriend has plenty of female friends.. he has a male friend who he has known since childhood, he’s engaged. Before his friend and fiancé got together, my boyfriend and his fiancé used to have sex together. They all still hangout and I don’t have a problem with it. We’ve all hung out in groups but suddenly it’s not ok for me to hangout with my guy friend and our friendship is platonic. I did mess up by lying and telling my bf my guy friend messaged me first, but then I came clean and told my bf I lied and said that I was the one who messaged him first and my bf got even more mad that I lied, understandably so. And now he is demanding to look through my phone, and he said I absolutely cannot see my friend anymore. I’m so sad. I really liked my guy friend and I don’t know what to do. Please help.

  1. If you’re only 3 months in and having these problems it’s only gonna get a lot worse. Don’t be with someone who doesn’t let you see your friends.

  2. I would dump your boyfriend. He’s controlling and he has double standards. You’re allowed to be friends with anyone and see them without asking your boyfriend. You should only ask if it coincides with plans you’ve already made.

    Also he gets to stay friends with an ex fuck buddy but you can’t go out with a platonic friend? What gives?

    Also, needing to look over your phone?

    All red flags. Say goodbye. You deserve better. You already have been messed with for so long that you had to go to Reddit to ask for advice when a decent guy would have said have fun and he’d pick you up after if you needed a ride. The fact you had to ask strangers for advice on this tells me he’s a shit dude.

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