How would you react if another woman starts flirting with you infront of your girlfriend?

  1. Hug my GF close, make out with her intensely, and then ask the other woman what they were saying.

  2. I’d laugh and tell them that I appreciate the compliment but that they’re on thin ice. Then walk away with my GF.

  3. Entertain some friendly conversation, introduce my GF.

    No need to be rude unless they ignore or seriously test boundaries.

  4. Yeah right, like we know when women are flirting with us!

    Edit: Thank you for the platinum!

  5. Hold hands with my girl and tell the other girl that I’m taken. Doesn’t really need to go further than that unless they keep at it.

  6. *Wow.* Some of these women are walking around with brazen assurance. I can’t stand women who intentionally disrespect other women. The lack of decency is far more revolting than inhaling formalin.

  7. I excel at bad conversion skills, so I could just quickly reach the point of awkward silence and then turn away from them

  8. I probably wouldn’t notice, but then again both her and my girlfriend don’t actually exist.

  9. Probably nothing, as 9.9 out of 10 times I have no idea I’m being flirted with.

  10. Im probably too naïve and oblivious to realize that she’s flirting with me

  11. Dip out, then mentally prepare myself for an evening / day / week of endless “who was she, how do you know her”.

  12. As if we men would know when a woman is flirting with us 😂 get a load of this guy.

  13. I’ve had this happened once. Her boyfriend was standing there as well. I stepped back with a look and body language like ‘what the fuck?!’. My girlfriend hated her ever since lol. We saw her a few times after that because her boyfriend was a friend of mine. The relationship didn’t last.

  14. Was at a bar once and walked to the bar top to grab my GF at the time a drink. Stand there, order my drink, girl sitting a few seats down says hello. I return the hello. She then proceeds to ask if I’d like to sit with her, said thanks but no thanks then informed her (with pointing) my SO was sitting at a table right behind me.

    She looks me right in the eye and said “she’s lucky but I bet she can’t suck a dick like I can”

    I just laughed and walked away. Some people are ruthless.

  15. Propably be completely clueless about it and be informed by my gf later for what happened.

  16. I genuinely have no idea when I am being flirted with.. thus caused a great deal of exasperation with my current partner and a few exes…

    Apparently ‘I just thought we were being nice to each other’ is not the correct response when later questioned about tge lead up to our dating.

  17. Firstly, I wont pick up on it. Secondly My girlfriend likes to mark her territory, she will kiss me or wrap my arm around herself and I wont need to say or do anything else.

  18. Press my finger into my ear and nose to take a screenshot so that she knows I didn’t do anything wrong

  19. Most of us wouldn’t even know she is doing it. The rest would start sweating profusely and tripping over our words

  20. Think on the Golden Rule. If the tables were turned, how would you hope she would respond? Be the person you want to be with.

  21. Suuuper fucking awkwardly. This happens pretty often and I never know what to do except show some affection to my girl, take her hand or just lean over and plant a kiss on her head as I’m being talked to.

  22. trust me the gf would have the spidey senses on and would know waaay before i would..

    i’d get “the look” from her and i would know something is going on.

    and if it happened i would be like sceptic as fuck!

    but if she KNEW i had a gf and KNEW she was there, someone is itching for a slap and not from me.

  23. It’s funny that woman do this because chances are the female partner will pick up on it and the man will have absolutely no clue

  24. I’d look at my wife in fear.

    One because if I’m noticing it, my wife noticed it 30 minutes ago and she’s been stewing in pent up rage. She watches a lot of murder shows.

    But we’d grow closer because of it. Helping her dispose of the body is a love language.

  25. I’m a woman so don’t have personal experience, but the majority of guys here are claiming they don’t know when a woman is flirting with them. Are you guys for real?

  26. My girlfriend would realise and shut it down long before I even realised they were flirting.

  27. I would think she’s just being friendly, my wife would grab my arm to mark her territory. I would think my wife is feeling affectionate for no reason and out my arm around her. Defeated female leaves. I wonder why she doesn’t want to be friends

  28. Recently I was in Edinburgh with my wife (a truly beautiful and friendly city) and we were at the bar. I was served by an incredibly attractive member of the bar staff who was in her early 20s (I am in my late 40’s). We got chatting and she it turns out she was from Evesham and I am from Birmingham and we knew quite a few of the same places.

    Well through the night she kept on rushing over to serve me which I thought was nice and at one point she misheard something I said. She thought I had said to her guess how old I am. And she repeated back to me what she thought I had said and I laughed. I told her if any asshat asks that question, tell them you think they are in their 60’s.

    She gave me a big beaming smile. As the night was near the end she came across and put her arms around me and asked whether I would like to meet up with her later.

    I was absolutely stunned as I am not a swamp donkey but I am also not a Greek Adonis either and this girl looks wise was massively out of my league. I was incredibly flattered but also absolutely mortified.

    The reason we were in Edinburgh was because it was my wedding anniversary. I said to her, first of all I am incredibly flattered that would you think of me in that way, but also I am so very sorry if I have led you on as I am here with my wife and I am not that guy. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and then said maybe another time.

    I went back to my wife and I was incredibly flustered and I said to her I am so sorry that just happened, I had no idea that was happening. My wife laughed at me and said sometimes you are such an oblivious twat. She had been wetting herself as she had clocked what was happening right from the beginning and was fascinated to see how it would turn out.

    She had even written on the back of beer mat the things the girl would probably do to get my attention and ticked each one off as it happened.

    At the end of the night she said fair play you’ve still got it.

    I am incredibly lucky to have a cool wife who was able to see the funny side.

  29. Always remember who you’re going home with. The way you react should consider your girlfriends feelings and ultimately show respect for your relationship. Doesn’t mean you should be mean, it’s a compliment at the end of the day.

  30. Probably brush my hair back with my left hand so she sees the wedding band.

  31. Just politely ignore her advances. Happened to me recently that my gf was talking to her friend and this woman was talking to me. At first, it was friendly but she started touching my chest so I would back up and sort of move towards my gf. My gf eventually noticed and put her arm around me to mark her territory lol.

  32. My wife and I once went to a restaurant where we encountered two of her girlfriends eating there. They invited us to eat with them. It was a booth so I went to one side and my wife to the other.

    Well, the woman on my side (a divorcee) proceeded to put her hands on me the whole night. It was definitely awkward. I think I just sat there in a bit of shock most of the time. At one point the woman gets up to go to the restroom and my wife made it to my side of the booth like she was shot out of a canon.

    Anyway, best sex I’d had in a long time that night (from my wife of course).

  33. I’d turn whatever she said into, “which is just one of the many reasons why my beautiful girlfriend here picked me.”

    It implies the primary point of being taken.

    It politely acknowledges the compliment without appearing overindulgent.

    It immediately incorporates that I respect my partner and introduces her so that we’re all on the same page.

    It offers a little protection from someone adding negative connotations to my words for their own personal haterade games.

    This post just made me realize that I need a safe word with my girl for announcing to each other there is a perception that someone is trying to cross boundaries in the event the other person doesn’t notice it.

  34. A woman showed me her tattoo once. It was on her leg. My wife was there and got her fired for indecent exposure at their work site. Apparently she had a pattern.

    I had no idea anything was ever wrong, or what the tattoo actually was.

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