I (25f) met this guy on Tinder and we’ve been in a relationship for 2 months now.

He (34m) kinda surprised me by wanting a relationship because we started as friends. I’m pretty happy with our relationship and I feel he treats me well.

The problem: he had to delay grad school abroad (London) until next year. I realize he’s been upset about it but he doesn’t talk about it too much. That’s just how he deals with things.

For the record, I am also applying to grad schools abroad (in Germany) separately.

We had a conversation the other night and he basically said he wants this to work but it feels like we’re moving in opposite directions. He did long distance before, with his ex of 5 years. When they broke up, it really hurt him.

So now I’m not sure what I should do. The longer I date him, the more attached I’ll become. Don’t think he’s “in love” yet so if we break things off now, we can minimize the emotional fallout.

It’s my first “real” relationship though. So I have a hard time letting him go. Help.

TLDR; boyfriend is going abroad in a year and doesn’t like LDR, should we continue dating or go out separate ways?

1 comment
  1. No. You shouldn’t.

    He is telling you he doesn’t have the emotional capacity for long distance. Fr most people don’t.

    You’re right that the best thing to do is minimize the damage and split now.

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