how long is to long when grieving over a first trimester miscarriage?

  1. I don’t think there’s a too long. My first pregnancy was a 1st trimester miscarriage and it still hurts almost 2 years later. No-one can tell you how long is too long. So sorry for your loss 💗

  2. grief is different for everybody. just take it at your own pace and don’t beat yourself up over ANYTHING you’re feeling. you are valid and loved. i am deeply sorry for your loss. 💓

  3. I don’t believe in putting a time limit on grief, personally. The whole Five Stages of Grief thing was meant for terminally ill patients coming to terms with their own mortality, so it’s often not very helpful for people dealing with loss and having to figure out how to go on. Be gentle with yourself and anyone else in your life who is also grieving the loss.

  4. There is no such thing as too long. Take as long as you need. My first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage in the 7th week. I am currently 31 weeks pregnant and we are very very happy about it but sometimes I still wonder how things would have been now if I didn’t loose the first pregnancy.

  5. Depends… We grieve forever when we lose someone we love, there will always be that “I wish this person was here” in the back of our minds. The problem is when that sadness stops your from living.

  6. No such thing as too long. Take what you need. And if you need help talk to a therapist. It’s heartbreaking when you’re trying to have kids and you lose one, even early on.

  7. Take as long as you need ❤️ if you’re really concerned about it you can see a grief councilor or therapist and they can help with coping techniques

  8. I think I grieved my miscarriages until I held my baby, even now, my heart still aches for them from time to time. There is no time minimum or maximum for grief. 💜

    Edited to say that was +13 years ago

  9. Never. I’ve since had another child and the other day I stopped and thought about my first baby I never got to hold, and I broke down in the bathroom. That grief, even after so much time has passed, shows how strong a mothers love is for her babies.

  10. There is no timeline on grief. I still feel grief decades after a loved one passed. It just changes. But if you are struggling to do daily life stuff (assuming it’s been a few weeks of months since this happened) eg sleeping/getting out of bed, basic hygiene, are closed off from your closest loved ones, etc then you may want to consider seeing a professional to help you manage. Also, I’m sorry for your loss and wish you the best.

  11. Been 6 years and i still think about them and wonder if it was a boy or a girl and what they would be like. Thats not something you just get over.

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