A new couple recently moved in next door to me. The way our condos are arranged, we share a wall between my bedroom and theirs. It’s an older building, and apparently the soundproofing between units isn’t the best. So I can hear everything they are doing. How do you let someone know you can hear them without totally embarrassing them? Or should I just turn the TV up and try to ignore them?

  1. If you hear them, then they hear you. They might not care if you hear them.

    Turning on the TV is an option. You might consider a porn channel.

  2. Not sure if there is a good way to let them know.

    In order for them to get the message, obviously you will need to make them aware of the fact that you can hear them having sex. There’s a good chance that’s going to embarrass them regardless of how they find out. Some things can just be embarrassing, and there’s not much you can do about it.

    Your other option is trying to ignore it. But if it’s something that you’d rather not be listening to, that may not be your best choice. If it’s bothering you, you should probably at least let them know you can hear them. You should not have to be involved in their sex life against your will.

  3. Give em a slight bang or tap on the wall… I’ve done it.. its nothin embarrassing just let’s them know they’re a little loud an theres somebody on the otherside who dont wanna hear it, if they cant join.. ull prolly hear snickering an giggling afterwards or whatnot but hey shit happens…

  4. Or maybe if u catch them in the hall way, pull them aside, not infront of other neighbors…an just bring it up…

    “hey may i speak with u guys, sorry to bring it up but my bedroom is on the other side of yall bedroom wall… the walls r quite thin an I can hear alot on the other side, with out even trying to”…

    They should understand wat ur tryin to get to with out actually bringin up the subject..!

  5. It’s tricky, because sex is one of those things that people do in their houses and it’s not an unreasonable thing like blasting music at 2am. Does it bother you or disturb your sleep?

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