For me as a straight guy: 2 chains different lengths & styles (Cuban, rope, figaro & a box chain), a pair of earrings either Cuban hoops or diamond studs

Occasionally: 2 pairs of rings (1 is a gold one my grandpa gave me he used to wear in the 70s, the other a cheap one from a flea market) & either of my 2 bracelets diff designs

  1. I have a little silver cross necklace I got from my parents when I was a kid. That’s it.

  2. Does a watch count? I wear a watch most days but unless I’m going to an event or need to look nice I tend to wear pretty simple watches.

  3. Wedding ring, single silver chain with a small celtic cross. Those rarely leave my body for any reason.

  4. One bracelet green from my favorite game & a green malachite one that reminds me of the bowling ball I had as a kid doing tournaments

    Then a necklace my best friend gave me from Hawaii it’s a shark tooth

  5. Wedding ring is the only thing.

    I havw a necklace my grandfather left me that I would like to wear, but the gold irritates my skin.

  6. I have my apple watch and maybe twice a week I have a necklace I like that I will wear if I have a plain colored shirt on.

  7. A titanium wedding band, a titanium pinky ring on my right hand, and my Samsung watch.

  8. A wrist watch, a bracelet with medical info as a precaution, and that it unless you count a chromed 1911 as jewelry since that’s on me every day.

  9. My grandpa’s vietnam tags, but I stopped when I realized they were incurring extra damage.

  10. Sometimes a watch otherwise prefer to have nothing. Found most stuff gets in the way of the type of activates I enjoy.

  11. Only an Ironman classic 30 watch. I’ve never really liked wearing jewelry

  12. None. The world is lucky I have the ambition to put on clothes, let alone accessories

  13. A watch. That’s it, really. Maybe cuff links if I’m fully armored up for a wedding or something, but day-to-day, just a watch.

    And yes, the kinds of watches I wear definitely qualify as jewelry. I own several, and they’re mostly Swiss-made (and a few Japanese-made) old-school mechanicals/automatics. They’re *completely obsolete and borderline useless*, technologically speaking. There are so many functionally-superior options I’d be better off with, if functionality was what I was after. But it’s not, and that’s what makes them jewelry.

    I wear paracord survival bracelets if I’m out doing anything outdoorsy, but I’m pretty sure those don’t count as jewelry.

  14. Dude here. I wear at least two rings, though sometimes up to four, one earring and a bracelet.

  15. Wedding ring, watch, a chain with a chainmail cross I made, and a chainmail bracelet I made.

  16. None here. I used to wear a thin-ish silver chain, also from a grandparent; but took it off on principle (multiple issues) and later on I lost the damn thing so I couldn’t go back to it if I wanted to.

  17. I have a gold cross on a chain it’s more of a Nostalgia thing than a religion thing my dad always wore one. I also have several watches that I choose from depending on which one I feel like wearing.

  18. Had a womens gold chain welded round my neck 20yrs ago, I’m male, it was my nannas…
    Have worn a silver thumb ring and finger ring for a long period but my fingers swell due to my job. Also wear random crap on my wrist till it falls off…
    Would love to pull of the Johnny depp look, but it doesn’t work for me 😞

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