Not sure if this is 100% the right subreddit for this but here it goes.

I (20M) embarrassingly never learnt to talk to girls properly. I’m not a complete loser. I take care of myself and keep myself busy for the most part but I’ve always missed out on any sort of real connection with the opposite sex. I’ve had few female friends in the past but I was either not interested in them or they weren’t interested in me in that way and communication eventually faded.

I’ve gone out a bit over the past 2 years and have had minimal luck between me missing hints (rarely) and just not knowing how to approach/attract girls I would potentially be interested in getting to know. I’m not scared of girls and when I go out I often meet other guys out that I can get along with and have a laugh with but most girls just don’t seem interested in me. I have alot of great guy friends some with alot more experience than me but I am too embarrassed to ask them for help.

I do want a relationship at some point and feel pretty ready for one but I have never really got past being friends of convenience/not super close.

  1. If its any consolation im in the same position as you pretty much. I do have some female friends but i dont have any romantic intereest in them, but thats not something bad, i like having them as friends. Ask your friends for help with girls i started doing it a few months ago and honestly it was a bit akward bringing the topic up the first times. But after that it becomes like any other topic. Its also really helped me out, ive made more progress in these few months that ever before.

  2. You talk with girls just like you would with guys I don’t know why everyone on reddit acts like you have to have this whole other personality and why of acting when you are around girls. Just be yourself talk about stuff you like ask them what they like if you like them tell them you like them. And that is it there is no reason to act something or someone you are not just be yourself and enjoy being you

  3. You’re at the beginning of the best time of your life. Never mentioned if you’re in college or not, but your 20s is the best time to get out there and meet people. Find people with similar and like minded interests and opinions. Listen gamer, you even said it yourself. Sounds like you’ve got a great social network with your friends. Don’t be embarrassed to ask for advice or help, that’s what they’re for. Not everyone has been through or done the same thing. Shit, I’m willing to bet some of your friends share the exact same feeling in some way or another.

    Reach out to your friends, there’s no shame in asking them for advice. Besides learning from your friend’s successes and mistakes can only help you. Some good advice I learned when it comes to dating and relationships is to ask your friends for their opinions on romantic relationships and situations, listen to their advice, ask more of your friends, compare the advice given by who you’ve asked, and then make a decision based on what YOU think is best. Life is a wild ride, it’s best to experience it yourself. Hope this helps gamer!

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