What do you wish that your partner would do more often?

  1. Make me food she’s really good at it but we’re really in a environment where she has access to a kitchen

  2. Be more affectionate. I’m a very physical person so that reassurance and contact always has a positive effect on the strength of the bond and general mood.

  3. i wish she initiated sex more and in general that she was more intimate, more often.

  4. Told me what she was thinking and/or why she was upset.
    If I don’t know what I did to get her upset how can I avoid doing it again?

  5. Text me more often. We are both busy people but I text her a lot. She barely texts me.
    She asks for dick pics all the time but never sends pics back.
    I can’t say anything about sex or doing certain things in bed. We have sex all the time, and she does everything in bed. Like, everything, like shit I didn’t even know existed, and I’d had sex with an actual porn star before.
    I just wish she’d talk to me more.
    I’m kinda worried I’m dating a sex addict/porn addict who is amazing in bed, but is cheating on me.

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