What is something you have discovered you enjoy a lot more than you had expected to?

  1. Learning to read in another language. I attended a weekend Chinese school for many years as a kid and was generally a brat about it. (I just wanted to watch Saturday morning cartoons!) Many years later, I realized only knowing how to read like a kindergartener wasn’t enough for me to feel connected to my family anymore. In my mid-30s I devoted two years to weekly lessons and had a blast. I made new friends through the experience and can text and keep up with my extended family now as well.

  2. Teaching. When I started teaching as a postgrad student I had a succession of bad experiences and I absolutely hated it. I’ve recently fallen into a job where I mainly provide one-to-one support to students, and it turns out I really enjoy it. All I needed was the right environment.

  3. Cooking. Mind you, I still don’t *love* cooking, especially after a long day at work, but making tasty *and* healthy food is so rewarding. I also enjoy cooking for loved ones when I find a good recipe.

  4. Spending weekends all by myself. When I was a teenager, and in college, I was always out with friends. Now (47) I look forward to quiet weekend at home with my cats. 😊

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