He proposed (32, M) and it’s taken me (32, F) by surprise. We have been together nearly 7 years, we have discussed it and agreed we would eventually get engaged. I suppose I just didn’t realise it would happen. It has flared up my anxiety and the idea of change is a lot for me to comprehend. He has been extremely understanding and is letting me take my time to adjust to the new normal privately, we haven’t made it public as of yet (haven’t told anyone apart from 4 people).

In all I just feel really awful that I am not reacting in the typical happy loved up way. I’m extremely happy in my relationship and I always knew this would be the next step. It just fills me with fear and the expectations that come with being engaged from his family.

Is it normal to have engagement anxiety or am I just strange?!

**TL;DR; :He proposed/dealing with engagement anxiety.**.

1 comment
  1. My dude, what you’re feeling is perfectly normal and valid. You’re looking at a big change in life, and that’s going to make you wonder about a lot of things and make you have some anxious moments. Explore what your anxieties are trying to tell you – are they grounded in something real, or just mental blocks and self-sabotage? A little of each? Talk it over with your therapist and see what the root of all of this is – you’ve been in this relationship for long enough to know whether this person’s a good fit for you, so just accept your feelings without judgment and see what comes next. You’re okay – everybody gets a little worried when they make a big decision like this.

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