I (F20) met this guy (M25) on Tinder. He’s traveling in my country and left today, this happened a few nights back.

We texted for almost a week before meeting up. He was fun to chat to, although we both did sexual innuendos and he did hint I could come over afterwards. Nothing extreme though, **we did not discuss sex at all**. I decided I’ll go with the flow and might do oral if I feel safe.

I met him at the beach for the sunset and we just sat down. He was nice, we shared good ideas and conversation. He brought a few drinks and we enjoyed the sunset. It got bit chilly so he wrapped his arms around me and we ended up making out. I felt good about him at this point. He hinted I should come check his place but I told him I won’t come over and he was fine with it.

We kept walking and trying to find a more private spot, because there were still people walking by the beach. We ended up finding a bench where we made out even more, he started fingering me and clothes slowly went off.

We still saw people quite close so we decided to go even closer to the sea, basically a rocky decline. It was dark and no others could see us (which was a mistake eventually.) At this point I was still super horny and wanted to go further.

But his whole persona kinda changed when we were alone in a deserted place by the sea. He was really horny and started talking in a rough language aggressively “I want to fuck you from behind hard” “I want to eat your pussy” then he suddenly took his pants off, pulled his dick out and just said “suck my dick” and smirked.

I felt uncomfortable at this point and said I can give a handjob but no blowjob because of STDs. At this point he says “I’m clean” (_which was BS, he told me he fucked a girl a few weeks back in another country and seems to do oral unprotected. He talked about being stingy and STD tests are ~70$ here, so no way he did them and in 2 weeks_)

Overall I didn’t believe him. He seemed high/drunk and super scary at that point. He had also went to pee a few minutes earlier into some bush so blowjob was out of question, just unhygienic. He also insisted he has condoms so we can fuck on the rocks (???).

I asked him to sit down on the rock because he’s a big muscular man, and me, a skinny girl, I wanted to feel a bit more in control of the situation that way. There was no way I could run I thought, he’d get me.

He started talking how bad he wants to fuck me there, and I realized I won’t get out easily if I “let him down” and say I can do handjob only. I was giving the handjob already stressed and he pressured me to do more by saying “why don’t you wanna suck? you haven’t done oral yet?” with almost degrading/amused laughter. **He also choked me forcefully without asking for my permission, at the same time when he kissed me and I jerked him off**. I was scared he’ll force my mouth on to his dick at any point or just choke my breath away.

I decided I’ll lie I want to go over to his place. Luckily that worked but he kept hurrying to get me back to his place – idk what would’ve happened if I was in a one room with him.

When we walked towards his place I started saying how hot he is and how I want to fuck, complimented his muscles/body told him how handsome he is just to get out to where people are too and that he doesn’t suspect I’m trying to get out of the situation.

My friend then called me and I made an excuse luckily in a crowded street. He kissed me goodbye (basically made out) and groped my ass in the public street… Such a scary and gross experience.

  1. Sorry you went through all that. Hope all this information gets to the authorities sexual predators like that bastard only get more bold as they practice

  2. Contact the police. How many women has he hurt? Were any of them minors?

  3. I’m so sorry I know this is scary and hard but you need to have him put away for your own safety and for others you should not need to be in fear of getting raped

  4. You did so good hun! You were smart and stayed calm and got yourself out of that horrible situation in so safe way without throwing up any red flags!!!! So glad you’re okay. I have daughters 21 and 18 and worry all the time about bad things happening to them.

  5. I faked enjoying my rape so I would get out alive. He had threatened to kill me… it was my ex husband…There’s nothing wrong with doing what you have to in order to survive.

    That said, I would file a report. Chances are he’s sexually assaulted many women.

    I’m proud of you! 💜

  6. Honestly good thinking. I have thought about whet I would do if I found myself in that situation again and unfortunately this is exactly what I would have done too.
    Get into a public space and then run for your life. It just sucks

  7. The folks who are telling you to discuss your experience with the police are being potentially kind of pushy and naive here – but I do think you would benefit from talking to your local sexual assault counselling and support line. They can offer expert and caring support and a friendly voice or face, and can help you figure out whether you want to try to report and whether reporting would be worth it in this situation. You deserve support and kindness regardless of whether reporting is on the cards.

  8. That’s terrible but you did an amazing job stay calm and getting yourself out of that situation. Seek help if this is bring any strong feelings or trauma.

  9. What a prick. I’m so sorry this happened to you. You did the right thing though, sometimes you have to lie to get out of a scary situation especially since you had no idea how violent he could get. Stay strong ❤️

  10. If i write what i think i will get downvoted. But please for your own sanity, communicate everything with whomever you’re hooking up with. What are the expectations, what are the limits, what do you want and don’t want to do.

  11. Hate that this gave me flashbacks to times I have also had to do this and knowing that it’s happened to other people.

    I’m so sorry OP, if you can get in to talk with someone professionally about this event, please do.

  12. I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’m glad you were able to get away from that creep without getting hurt. You’re so brave!

  13. Wow sounds like you were very smart to find of a way to get out of that situation… I don’t know if I would have been able to, well done!

  14. On average, men have 20 times as much testosterone than women do. It’s important for people to realize how different these circumstances are for women. One time a gay man my size once openly said that he wanted to fuck while I was at work, which made me uncomfortable, but I knew that in the event that anything went wrong in that moment, there would be no real threat because of our physical similarities

    Now imagine a 180–200 pound, powerful, aggressive male who has a high sex drive and is REALLY sexually attracted to a little woman. The only way to get out of that stuff without becoming a stat was probably what the op did in this case.

    On topic: At the very least, please notify Tinder about this guy.

  15. Yikes thats really scary. Nothing is worse than when a guy randomly starts acting like theyre in a porn and getting aggressive once they feel theyve got you in the bag. Good thing you were smart and got to a public area. Honestly your post might help the next girl who wanted to meet up with a guy in a private place decide to go to a public one instead because you genuinely never know. I wouldve felt completely safe at a beach so its kind of eye opening. Im sorry you had to deal with that, being a girl is scary af sometimes and its so disappointing

  16. ohh my god that is so scary :(((
    good on you for getting yourself to a more crowded place. i’m glad your friend called.

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