Sorry this is gonna be long because I want to give context. I matched with a girl from florida on hinge in April, we talked a lot on and off and FaceTimed a few times. She was showing signs of attraction to me, like reaching out to me every few days when I was busy, saying things like she really liked me, and calling me babes. I never took it very seriously because she wasn’t moving near me until June 12th so she finally moved here. We picked up talking a bit more and I asked her on a date. So I take her mini golfing, and right away it’s obvious because we talked for so long before the date we definitely had a very natural connection from building rapport. We both laughed a lot and there were a few flirty moments when we were goofing around. So then after mini golf I asked if she’d like to go get dinner and she enthusiastically agreed, so we still keep having a lot of fun together during dinner. Laughing, good conversations, good eye contact. I initiated touching her by commenting on a ring she was wearing and playing with her hand. And when the check came I reached for it but she grabbed it and said she wanted to pay for dinner because I paid for mini golf, she also made a comment like “you can buy dinner next time”. So I let her. Then after dinner I’m taking her home and she asks if I want to come up with her and meet her roommate and play games with them so I agree. It was pretty lame and boring tbh. Her roommate was kind of annoying and gave of cranky lady vibes. But I still tried to make it as fun as I could by playing with my date and kind of ignoring the roommate lol. Then I go to leave around midnight she walks me down to my car and I gave her a hug, (because she made a comment to me about how she is pretty shy and I didn’t want to end the date on an awkward note if she declined a kiss) She tells me to text her when i get home safe so I do about 30 minutes later. Then I let a day go by, our first date was on Friday and I ask her on Sunday if she wanted to go with me to a fair by my house. And she hit me with a “sounds like fun! Let me just check with my roomie and make sure we don’t have plans.” Of course they did have plans I guess 🙄. And I just said no problem and I hope she has a fun day, she said “Ty!!” And idk if it’s a bad sign but she hasn’t reached out to me since then 2 days ago. And I haven’t reached out to her first because I’m kind of testing if she’s interested in me or not. Because I asked her on a second date and left the ball in her court. I’m confused because she showed a lot of really good signs she was really into me on the date. I want to wait and see if she reaches out to me, but what do y’all think I should do here? Am I being dumb by not reaching out first? I just feel because she rejected the 2nd date offer it should be on her to re initiate chasing me. But I’d like to hear your guys and gals opinions!

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