you ask out a girl and she rejects you, and you accept it and move on, but you still care about your friendship with her, where do you go from there?

  1. You can’t be friends with her without it being awkward for a while. No matter what your intentions she will know, in the back of her mind, that you’re waiting/hoping for her to change her mind. Your friendship can’t survive that until you get another girlfriend.

  2. Cut ties regardless. If you still hold feelings for some one, you probably aren’t going to have a good time when they start dating another man.

  3. Depends if we were close or not, if we weren’t then I’ll just disappeared

  4. You tell her that you enjoy her company and that you’d like to continue as friends if she’s comfortable doing so

  5. You just move on & find another girl, keep civil, but your friendship won’t be close

  6. First big thing is accepting it will be awkward for a little while. If the rejection truly hurt you, I would cut ties for awhile, but be cordial whenever do you see her. Your conversations don’t have to be deep & genuine, just keep them short and sweet!

  7. I’ve never recovered the friendship after that. I suppose it’s possible but it might be difficult.

  8. Do you really “still care about your friendship”, or do you just actually still hope there’s a chance?

  9. happened to me. luckily she’s pretty mature and we’re staying friends. we still hang out and such, some people thought she lead me on but i know the risk. when she got a bf, i start to put some distance.

  10. Listen, you don’t become her friend. You move on and forget about it.

  11. My one fb told me she had feelings. We still fuck. I think she will get hurt in the end.

    The other one that had feelings walked away because she couldn’t handle it.

    I tend to lead them on to think more will happen .

    Don’t do that.

  12. This is why you need to ask women out before you get too emotionally invested in them.

  13. 1. You tell her you appreciate your friendship (if you do) and would like to continue it (if you’re comfortable with it).

    2. Can’t lose those feelings? As sad as it may sound you need to take some time away from that person. It’ll eat you to death if you don’t.

  14. You change the relationship when you do that. Some people xan move past it and some can’t or will always have that in the back of their mind.

    Depends on yall.

  15. I ended it because she kept hooking up with guys. Just dont hope she will change her mind because that will only hurt you.

  16. “If you’re fine with it I’d still like to be friends” i’ve asked a total of 5 people out in my life, 3 said no and 2 remained friends after the fact. Pretty decent track record imo

  17. Couldn’t you just maintain whatever it is that you were doing *before* you asked her out?

  18. Clean break. You’re always going to want more, and women feed on validation. Either you are going to push too hard, or she’s going to start using you. The middle ground exists….but it is really narrow and high, and very easy to fall from.

    Don’t keep from moving on by chasing the one that got away. Only the dead and the dying lie still. The rest of the universe flows.

  19. I don’t. Seriously if I see her as a possible romantic partner, and I get rejected then I will have no interest in continuing any type of friendship. The risk of developing stronger feelings and getting disappointed and hurt just isn’t worth me investing time and energy into a “friendship” that will go no where.

    Now if I have no interest in her as a partner, then I have no issues with a continuing friendship. At that point she is just a friend.

  20. I go find another woman I’m not interested in friendship if I’m attracted to them

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