We’ve been together 10 years and married 7 years. What do you think about your husband having naked pictures or videos of you ? I am fine with it although my friends say it’s risky and don’t with their man.

Little do they know I have some extremely embarrassing ones, he has a fetish for peeing and has several videos of me peeing closeup and personal(TMI and sorry)

Been wondering if I should have him delete. Has anyone done this or have thoughts ?

  1. Tmi for sure but hey, it’s your account lol

    Sometimes my wife and I will be feeling frisky and send a naughty picture to each other. Not bad or dirty ones, just some nipple or bum or something haha.

    Android…keeping my marriage alive since 2011😂

  2. Over 30 million phones are lost or stolen every year. And a LOT of people have terrible security management.

  3. I mean, it’s a trust thing, my dude. If you know that you can trust him – and it sounds like you do – then whatever kinks the two of you explore are between the two of you, as long as you both maintain and respect the boundaries. Keep in mind that phones, google drives, and dropboxes can all be hacked, so make sure that your private videos and pics are just that – private between the two of you, stored by the two of you, and not digitally shared anywhere. If the two of you are having fun exploring each other, then have fun.

  4. My wife and me have over 1000 pics and vids of us nude and having sex. If you truly love and trust somebody I do not see the problem. But you have to keep them safe and know how to. I do it by having them in an encrypted folder on my encrypted local hard disk on my locked down Mac. And only there.

  5. I don’t really see an issue to be honest. If you trust him you trust him.

  6. Totally okay with it. We’ve been together for 17 years so texting pics wasn’t really a thing early on in our relationship, but probably 6-7 years in (we were married by then), I started sending him an occasional picture. Usually more teasing than straight nude, but some were 100% nude. He would keep some, delete some…. Honestly I’d be more worried about couples who keep actual printed photos around! Whose going to destroy those when you’re gone?! 😂

  7. It’s always a risk, even in the most solid of relationships. Does that mean don’t do it? Not necessarily, but always know that once they exist, there’s no going back.

  8. You trust him, right? If he were to ever try to do anything with those pics or videos, you’d have recourse and he’d be in a world of legal hurt.

    I think it’s cute that you send him little videos like that. My wife does this with pics of her feet and new toenail polish she’s using, and it actually ended up helping me discover that I have a little bit of a foot fetish.

  9. It’s a great alternative to naked pics of random strangers on the internet.

  10. If I ever take nudes for my hubby I delete them from my phone, only because I personally don’t want some to accidentally come upon them if I’m showing them a picture of my cats or something lol. But I don’t care what he does with them, because I trust him and know that he wouldn’t do anything bad with them.

  11. I would never because shit happens. Phones get lost. Systems get hacked. There is no excitement worth anyone seeing any part of my body.

  12. My husband is always afraid of a data breach and our pictures getting stolen.

  13. This is a digital security issue and a trust issue.

    Learn what you need to do to be comfortable with the security.

    There was someone who posted recently about finding test conversations he husband was having with a friend about the idea of wife swapping and he had sent the guy pics of her in a bikini from their last vacation. She should not trust him with nudes. He’s way too close to that line.

  14. My wife and I have pics and video. They are not going anywhere for others to see.

  15. Android phones have locked folders that do not get uploaded to the cloud. It works nicely for this purpose. Only downside is that since it’s not backed up anywhere if you lose your phone the pictures and videos are gone forever. If you don’t want that, then you can back them up every once in awhile to a secure hard drive.

  16. I think it’s fine. If you’re extra worried, just keep your face out of the shots?

  17. I know my husband wouldn’t show them to anyone else. So I’m fine with sending them to him.

  18. Me and my husband have a private cloud server where we share nude and kinky stuff. We even nicknamed “the kinky dungeon.” And we share nudes during the day if we’re playfully but using a app that auto erase the pic after the person see.

  19. If you can’t trust your spouse to have naked/kinky/fetish pics of you, you shouldn’t have married them.

  20. It seems to work for some people, but my wife and I agree that we aren’t comfortable with the idea. In our minds, any potential benefit is not worth the risks.

  21. I have spicy photos of my wife. And we have a video or two. She’s unconcerned. She has nothing to worry about from me.

    Photos on connected devices do not show faces. Videos are not on connected devices.

  22. It’s technology that I have zero trust in. Nudes on ANYTHING internet-connected is a risk IMO. IF going there, I wouldn’t have my face or anything identifying in the photos/vid/whatever.

  23. My husband and I have started taking videos of him doing stuff to me. We are having our first kid and I don’t know what it will do to my body, so I’m glad we will have these videos. I think it’s harmless and we both get excited taping and watching the videos. It’s a trust thing. But also, make sure none of it is on the cloud or anything where it can get hacked and stolen lol. Our videos are under lock and key.

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