I like this 42 year old women. I didn’t realize she was 42, till the other day. I’m wondering what I should know going in. We haven’t gone on any dates, and it’s a suspicion, that I think she likes me.

She’s in a band. I told her how much I like her music, and even went around town hanging up flyers for them.

When she was at the venue she came up to me, hugged me, and just started talking to me. One of her friends tried talking to her, and she gave them that kinda of response you give someone when you aren’t interested in talking to them, but to the person directly in front of you.

My friends witnessed the interaction and they even said that she might like me.

Another time she called me cute, cause I was the only one paying attention to her.

I told her that if she needed help moving stuff or doing anything laborious to let me know. She then said she need help moving stuff out of her basement so she could host shows there. I convinced a bunch of friends to help me. She greatly appreciated it.

I guess, where do I go from here?

  1. I started dating a 45 year old when I was 26. We were together for 2 amazing years. It was the best sex I have ever had. People looked at us weird when we went out but we didnt care. Go for it bro! Love knows no age limit!

  2. Sounds great to me! I see no problems. Just speak clearly about what you want!

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