We all know that one person that seems to have no sense of humour about themselves whatsoever. Usually a work colleague.

What have those people done that have made you shake your head?

  1. Yep a work colleague – told me almost proudly that he’d taken no holiday in almost 12 months as he was so busy and couldn’t be spared.

  2. Someone who can’t laugh at a joke at their expense. The worse are the ones who make jokes about others but can’t take it.

    There was an instance were a manager used to frankly bully a junior’s northern accent. The junior was sound and just brushed it off as banter. Apparently he made a comment that the manager thought was racist and reported them. Half dozen people, of all colours, heard the comment and didn’t think anything off it.

    Needless to say the cunt manager had a reputation and was not liked. Despite numerous colleagues encouraging the junior to report the bully about accent they decided to just leave it.

  3. Punching holes in office walls out of shear anger near deadlines, but at this point I’d call it poor anger management rather than being too serious!

  4. That person with an MBE/OBE that puts it a the bottom of their email when they want to win an argument.

  5. Emailed a new client, knew her age (40s) but not martial status, so opened with ‘Dear Ms Smith’ and got a very stroppy response that she was in fact a ‘Mrs’ not a ‘Ms’. Get over yourself love.

  6. People who call themselves Dr because they were awarded an honorary PhD.

    This woman at work did this and everyone was mocking her behind her back about it. I guess eventually someone had a word with her because it suddenly stopped.

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