As a man, I’ve had plenty of sex both with and without. Using good condoms feels almost no difference.

Maybe most men have only ever tried cheap, thick bargain bin condoms? You need to go out and experiment with what works best for you. Try out some of the ultra thin brands and find one that fits and feels good for you. There is a huge huge difference between a too loose or too tight or too thick condom vs the right one.

There are plenty of other advantages like quick cleanup, cleaner, no STDs or UTIs, etc. This goes without saying for hookups, but even for long term relationships.

If your partner does not want to constantly flood their body with hormones or metal implants that can have severe side-effects, just put on a fucking condom and get on with it…

The attitudes I hear about on Reddit with some men saying they’ll never wear one and refuse to have sex unless it’s raw dog is just staggering.

  1. I just hate them. My husband and I have tried so many and they make sex so lackluster for me. Perhaps it’s more of a mental issue on my part than the fault of the condom? I’d be wiling to say I’m more the problem I guess.

  2. Both I and most of the women I’ve slept with lose alot of sensation using condoms. Even with well fitted ultra thins, you lose a ton of sensation.

    But hey I date women with creampie fetishes so its testing and birth control for me.

  3. As a man who has been using condoms for 40+ years, I also don’t understand the fuss. I find them simple and effective with no negative effect on sensations.

  4. I can’t speak for everyone of course, but perhaps it’s deeper than you think. I grew up in a house with a large family and started working full time as soon as I left school. It didn’t leave much, if any, time or space for a relationship so I fell back to viewing pornography to deal with my urges. This led me to the proverbial ‘death grip’ as it was more a chore than a pleasure for me. This can lead to a thickening of the skin around the glans amongst other things and makes it harder to feel pleasure without being rough. Now I’m older I noticed the first few times I used a condom, i couldn’t really feel anything which led to ED and unsatisfying encounters.

    This has taken time to reverse back to baseline after many years of learned behaviour and habits. I’m now much more comfortable using a condom, but I still prefer without when in a relationship as its more physically and emotionally appealing.

    This is just me, but maybe some people are trying to unlearn their masturbatuon habits all at once and think a condom will only make the experience less pleasurable. As in most things, education is the solution here.

    Don’t rely on pornography, masturbate carefully, and learn what different types of condoms do.

  5. For my partner and myself condoms dull about 75% of the pleasure. We have tried all the different ones available

  6. Gonna have to agree to disagree here man. Raw dog is 1000% times better in every way.

  7. I’m glad this post was made. My boyfriend and I will be together 4 years this month and we always use condoms. I’m not comfortable taking birth control and he luckily has never given me a stink about wearing condoms or trying to guilt me by saying they don’t feel good. He does not give one fuck and we get it on just fine. We both have done without and I had severe panic attacks about an unwanted pregnancy lol but it really doesn’t feel much different

  8. What a breath of fresh air to see this in the forum…

    …but reading the replies, I must say you are generalizing for all men, which is not correct.

  9. I’m 30 and have never came with a condom.

    I do know the benefits and all, but it’s difficult to get carried away if I never reach the point of building up to an orgasm.

  10. There are plenty of women who detest condoms. It’s not just men.

    In a long-term monogamous relationship, who has to worry about STDs?

    Whatever the condom brand or price it cannot be as pleasurable.

    I agree with your quicker after-sex cleanup reasoning.

  11. Thanks to chemotherapy I no longer need to worry about unplanned pregnancy and being in a committed ltr, I can wholeheartedly say I do not fucking miss them, they’re the difference between the best sex you can possibly imagine and gently slapping your dick with a small dead fish. Good riddance to them

  12. I don’t know why so many of these posts are phrased in a way that only men dislike condoms.

    I am a woman, and I don’t like how they feel at all. For me is a big difference. I obviously don’t go around raw dogging hook ups or anything, but I’m in a committed, tested and birth controlled relationship so yeah, I would respect but def be disappointed if my partner wanted to start wearing condoms.

  13. So…

    A) There is a SIGNIFICANT feeling difference. No, it’s not psychological, it’s physical. Perhaps instead of Reddit diagnosing EVERY commenter that it’s “just psychological”, perhaps run the numbers and see it is you that is odd man out, and maybe you have more numbed sensation to begin with. 99-1 say it feels different. You’re not going to convince them any different than what their nerve endings are telling them.

    *can’t speak for women. Couldn’t tell ya.

    B) So it doesn’t feel _as_ good. So what. Sex is still better than not-sex. If that’s what the people involved are using for protection or other reasons, cool. No need to pressure anyone either way.

  14. Cannot agree more ! 10/10 explained.
    You just have to find your size, your prefered thickness and there you go, no fears of STDs, and MOST importantly,
    No strain on your partners body, be it a hormonal or physical contraception.

  15. Seems that I am lucky with my boyfriend having no problem with condoms. I am glad I dont need the option to use hormonal protection

  16. When I was single I always used condoms to protect both parties.
    When my (now) wife and I got together we continued to use them until I got a vasectomy(we’re both older and did’t want more kids.)

    The first time we made love without a condom was amazing. I didn’t know what I’d been missing. The difference in sensation is remarkable. I now know why some guys don’t like using condoms.

    If I were to have sex with someone else at some point I’d go back to using condoms. My health is more important than some extra pleasure. Sex with a condom is still great.

  17. I don’t believe Anyone who says Condoms are no Different, man or woman.

    They are either lying, have some sensitivity problems, or being over politically correct.

  18. As a female, I do not like the feel of condoms much better without. They are a necessary evil haha.

  19. Say it’s a mixture of ignorance and not finding the right ones. Does raw feel better yes but do you want a kid/STD? The amount of people saying they use the pull out method is ridiculous and clearly don’t understand how precum can get someone pregnant.

    I’ve consistently used condoms with my girlfriend and recently tried durex invisible and by god are they great

  20. Yeah condoms do feel quite a bit different than raw, but to me sex is so much more than just the feeling:
    The intimacy, watching my gf getting carried away with pleasure etc.
    But I’m also lucky, that I have quickly found condoms that work well for me, the condoms I used on my first time, reduced the feeling to little more than warm, cold, warm, cold (actually not that bad for a no-longer-virgin :D)

  21. Just got off birth control and while on birth control, condoms sucked when I was single and hooking up. Never used them with my long term partner. Now that I am OFF hormones and using condoms, I am more naturally lubricated so they aren’t as bad, and all the benefits of being off hormones (HUGE increase in sex drive) make condoms 100% better than birth control

  22. From my experience, based on talking with few friends, who disliked condoms, was that they felt that they lose erection during the time that they spend wearing a condom.

    It’s quite common, and in their insecurity, most men prefer to blame the condom, and to convince the other party to not use it, than communicating better. It used to happen in my first few times, and the simple solution was to stimulate a bit, or to ask the girl to play with it, while you get the condom ready.

    If you keep waiting for too long, after wearing a condom, you might lose your erection, so wear it just before putting it in.

    And all that talk of “it doesn’t feel the same” is mostly from people who don’t know how and which kind of condoms to use.

    In most cases, it’s this insecurity of losing the erection, that a lot of lot of man avoid condom for. This is the kind of people who won’t accept that it’s a small problem, that even a teenager, can learn how to work around. And hence they try to compensate by downvoting any mention of condoms on reddit.

    Apart from this, the obvious religious taboo about contraceptives, among Christians and Muslims might also be a reason. Interestingly, the educated ones understand the need of family planning, but rather prefer to push the responsibility over to women. Even when the hormonal contraceptives are known to cause lower libido in women, and even vaginal dryness, which makes sex worse for both.

  23. I’ve tried thin and skyn and all of that and I’d say they’re a help but not wearing one feels way way way better. I’m happy for you that it’s just as good though haha

    That said I think the partners the women of this sub have need to get over it and respect their partners wishes without question.

  24. I think OP is trolling, this is his one and only post on Reddit.

    He could really be this dumb and disconnected, but he’s probably trolling

  25. AMEN! Its not the same, but its not ThAt much different. I love the trojan bareskins, have to be a little careful not to break them, but they feel fantastic! Only downsides for me are the smell (hate the latex smell) and the risk of them breaking at the wrong time.

  26. Maybe uncut men need the extra stimulation from going raw. Personally, I always use a condom I don’t have a problem with it.

  27. This stinks of self-righteousness. Your conflation between men who don’t like the feeling of condone, and men who don’t care about their partners experience to the point of refusal outside of their terms is honestly kind of insulting. I have a fickle mentality in the bedroom with women that means I usually don’t finish unless we’ve been seeing each other for a bit and both have become comfortable in a sexual rhythm, and I’ve only been able to finish using condoms when it was someone I was actually in love with. It’s all about compatibility, and if you want to have actual discourse, you can’t frame your post in this way that implies you think you’re superior to those condom haters

  28. >The attitudes I hear about on Reddit with some men saying they’ll never wear one and refuse to have sex unless it’s raw dog is just staggering.

    At least they advertise. So you know you don’t want to fuck them.

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