Why do you allow bigots to speak in America? In MyCountry^tm we have free speech but we’re not allowed to say certain things which could be deemed hateful. The idea that the citizens can be trusted with 100% free speech is absurd. Why won’t you bigots move on and be more like MyCountry^tm?

  1. What the hell are you talking about? We absolutely have free speech, and the absolute freedom to talz;zwaerauspozdff… NO CARRIER

  2. Step 1: say mean things

    Step 2: get attacked

    Step 3: shoot attacker

    If it wasn’t for the first amendment, the second would be useless.

  3. >In MyCountrytm we have free speech but we’re not allowed to say certain things which could be deemed hateful.

    Just quoting this for its greatness

  4. Because if people say something rude, we dox them and make them homeless.

  5. It’s because we allow the wrong kind of speech freedom while you restrict it

  6. As an European, I reject the premise of your statement. Our speech *is* 100% free because we have the right to say anything that’s not controversial or offensive.

    I do apologize for my substandard English; it’s but my eleventh language.

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