I work as a barista and during our breakfast and lunch rushes, I’ve been curt, loud, and bossy with my coworkers. I don’t intend on hurting people’s feelings but I get frustrated and just need to get my job done efficiently. I’m working on reminding myself that this isn’t an emergency so I don’t need to shout or be rude. But I don’t know how exactly I should stop sounding like a condescending jerk. Does anyone have any advice?

  1. >, I’ve been curt, loud, and bossy with my coworkers.

    Stop this – ☝️ – plain and simple! Obviously, the fact you were written up means people have either complained OR management has witnessed this behavior…and being honest, someone that is dogmatic towards their coworkers usually isn’t fun or easy to work with!

    So you need to start working on how you handle stress and getting anxious…because if it continues you will be terminated

  2. Take a deep breath, the customers can wait. You have to work with these people and you need to get along with them. As a former barista fuck that job and fuck the customers and their expectations

  3. You really need to knock it off. The way you’re acting is the worst type of person to work with. Believe me they will keep telling on you until you get fired. My advice would be firstly apologize and explain you didn’t mean to hurt anyones feelings. Do not use non apology phrases like I’m sorry your feelings were hurt, I’m sorry you feel that way, etc. You seemed good at owning up here so just apologize that you did something that hurt them or made them feel less then. Second when you need something ask for it. Can you please help me? Or does anyone have a minute to help me? If you don’t mind could you please get this for me? If you phrase things this way they won’t feel so put out. Third even if they are goofing off and you’re annoyed just say sorry to interrupt but I’m getting a little overwhelmed and need some help. If they continue to act like a jerk go above them and get a manger. Tell them you asked nicely already and due to passed issues you do not want anyone to feel like you are bossing them around or talking down. In that situation even if they don’t like you it’s their fault. There is still time to clear the air and maybe eventually get along with these people.

  4. It can be hard to respond well, especially when you feel frustrated or under a lot of pressure.

    Would it be possible to practice out loud, outside of work?

    It might help to record yourself as you usually respond, and then to assess and try a different way of talking, and record yourself seeing how that sounds. Practicing different tones of voice has a way of rewiring how we communicate, because that plays a huge role in how people perceive us.

    It can help to take a moment before responding to coworkers, too. By pausing, you can give yourself a space to feel where you are coming from, and say what you mean to say.

    Finally, maybe you could look at why you feel like you are under so much pressure at work, and figure out if there are other ways to mitigate stress, such as grounding techniques. Work is important, but not so important as to feel like a life or death situation.

    The other posters here are right inasmuch as it does suck to have a coworker who talks like this. But that doesn’t mean that you are a bad person or that things will always stay this way. Once you start taking action and working on your communication, it is very likely that things work better overall.

  5. Yeah you sound like someone i would file a report against and would hate to work eith

  6. It’s coffee, not brain surgery. I’d rather wait an extra five minutes than hear employees yelling at each other. Do you KNOW you’ve been curt, or are you just stating what your coworkers have said? Recording yourself might help. Otherwise, just take a deep breath and practice pausing before you speak. It’s always better to be kind than to be right or fast. And then stay in your lane. If it’s someone else’s job to put in the caramel drizzle or hand off the drink to the customer in the window, then let them do their job. If they do it badly, it’s their problem.

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