In my case, she said “Oh shit!”. Took me asking for a follow-up to get the “yes”, but it’s always fun to remind her of the moment.

  1. Did you ask if she wanted to in a discussion kind of way or did you do the proposal move?

  2. Can I just take this moment to remind everyone that while the time and location of your proposal should be a surprise, THE ANSWER SHOULD NOT! A proposal should only come after many, MANY, deep discussions regarding marriage, your future goals as individuals and your future goals as a couple! Please, Kings, do not propose without first having had these and many more discussions, over many months and years, remember, if it’s meant to be, if she(he, they) are “the one”, then what’s the rush? You’ve got a lifetime together.

    Don’t put half of your kingdom at risk without first having taken the necessary precautions!

    EDIT: To OP, Congrats king!!

  3. She asked me to repeat myself like 3 times, I literally said, “Nevermind” and then she asked me to repeat myself yet again and finally said yes after that one.

  4. If you are doing the relationship right, a formal proposal of marriage should come as no surprise to the one receiving said proposal. A couple should be openly and actively talking about marriage, up to that point. If the proposal comes as a surprise to someone……then obviously someone is NOT ready to be engaged.

    I proposed to my first wife. I just remember her saying, “Of, course!” To my second wife, she actually proposed to me. My response: I laughed. Not the best response but I just wasn’t expecting it, why? I had already made her ring. I spent around 30 man hours making it for her. I had it ready and was waiting for a good day to propose. She beat me to it, is all. But what happened – she came and found me, sat next to me, and was all weird and nervous. I thought she was about to hit me with some REALLY bad news. Something was truly wrong with her and she was upset. Body language doesn’t lie. So her nervousness was a cause for alarm. Anyway, she took my hands and said, “I just don’t want to go another day without being engaged to you. So I want to ask you to marry me.” Of course I laughed out of relief. I really thought something tragic had happened. Laughed and told her to wait a second. I went and got the ring and presented it to her. Of course she just welled up into tears and just exploded into crying. But there was an moment of unbelief when she asked, “So that’s it? We’re engaged?” That’s it……that’s all there is to that. The she promptly ran to another room to call everyone that was important to her.

  5. Well we designed the ring together so she knew it was coming. But I cheated and got it early. So her first reaction was shock, surprise, crying, and yes. Then there were a few choice words about lying to get out that morning to pick it up…

    Edit, fixed a missing word.

  6. She was surprised, but didn’t seem very happy about the size of the diamond which should have been a red flag I’m lucky I didn’t go through with that marriage.

  7. Welp first surprise, then disbelief and I actually got slapped.

    I had been dating my GF in college for little over a year. Long story short we just “fit” that is the only way I can describe it.

    I took her to a little traveling carnival one saturday. We spent the day roaming around, enjoying the rides and watching some of the side shows. Little did she know I had made arrangements with one of the entertainers that did palm readings and crystal ball readings.

    During the “reading” the woman told her she would be faced with a life changing decision very soon and she would need to agree or she would regret the decision for the rest of her life.

    Welp she laughed and as she got up. I said ” well shit best not to tempt fate” knelt. opened the box and popped the question. Umm yep. She said WTF followed up by a NO FUCKING WAY and yep .. I got slapped. She did accept but yep I got slapped.

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