I’m talking scorched earth. No prisoners. No remorse revenge.

  1. I got a exe’s entire family evicted, the father arrested and the mother filed for divorce. The ex was homeless for a year and dropped out of college.

    I knew reformatting my laptop that the father used for work would screw him over. I didn’t know that he kept some fake records on it for his realty company. Shit happened, when he couldn’t remember his fake records and people started auditing him.

    I was the side piece of hers and the entire family knew it. Kept their smiles on their faces during Christmas, Thanksgiving and birthdays.

  2. A buddy found out his live-in GF was cheating on him. Since he was the only one on the lease and you can just give 60 days notice to break it, he did that, found a new apartment and arranged for movers to come on the last day, to pack up everything and get it to his new place.

    The ex-GF did not find out until the movers showed up, her being to busy with her AP. The landlord took their keys and she was left with a pile of toiletries and clothes piled on the living room floor (it made a lovely photo that he emailed to a large number of his friends and his and her family as well as the entire history of the affair.

    We still speak in awe of his revenge.

  3. Contacted the university my ex attended and let them know about the fake lease she submitted. At a minimum cost her 25k

  4. I was about 15. Public pool at a local high school. The only life guard left his post to take a shit.

    Twins my age tried to drown me. I got away and got out of the pool. I grabbed the rope attached to a life preserver and whipped them across their face, neck, and backs. Left bloody streaks.

    One got out. I choked him out standing up, dropped him to the pavement, and told his brother, “Your twin is dead.”. Cue screaming.

    Life guard came out. I explained my side of the story, got my bike, and rode home.

  5. One minor, one major.

    Minor: In basic training we were split up into duos for convenience purposes, called “battle buddy” pairs (yes that’s actually what they say) and unfortunately, it was by last name, I was paired up with the most lethargic motherfucker on earth. We had this thing called “Fire gaurd” which is just cleaning and making sure the 58 other people in your barracks are safe by gaurding the entrances. This dude would constantly go to sleep and I got tired of waking his fat ass up. Some nights I would flag down the drill Sergeant and point to him so he could yell in his ear, didn’t solve the problem permanently.

    One night we were cleaning and I had had enough the Drill Sergeant came to inspect our work, I walked slightly behind the two of them and dropped all the trash I had been saving in my pockets, on the back trip the Drill Sgt saw the obvious trail of trash and screamed our ears off. I smiled. This caused more yelling but it was fine. While my battle “buddy” cleaned every spot I had already done while he slept he kept saying “what you doing battle buddy, the drill sergeant bout to come through” I ignored him and went to sleep on the staircase.


    Major: In middle school I lived in an apartment complex with a pool, this huge, silent, creepy guy would wait for us to go to the pool and then swim under us while we were in there. He never made physical contact with us, and never once spoke, but we fucking hated him for being that creepy. One day I saw him come out of the pool supply storage closet, so me and three of my friends agreed to lock him in there while we called the cops. We watched from one friend’s house that overlooked the pool, as soon as he went back in the closet we rushed down and blocked the door. When the cops came we told them about the guy and they detained him.

    I moved like a month later so I don’t know if he got fully arrested but they sure as hell never saw him again.


    Life lesson, set traps

  6. Had my ex fiance deported after I walked in on her with my then best friend.

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