I’ve seen a lot of posts and comments on Reddit, especially recently due to the 4th being only a couple days away, where people mention how much they dislike fireworks and how it’s their least favorite part of the holiday. I’m personally a big fan of them, but I’m curious what you guys think of them.

  1. In all honesty, take em or leave em. I don’t really care either way. They’re neat at a ballgame or something but for holidays? Meh.

  2. Kinda overrated tbh but going ham a few days out of the year doesn’t bother me at all

  3. It’s honestly not that big of a deal to me. Like they’re fun to watch especially at events but hearing them the night of? It’s whatever. Is what it is.

    All my life there’s been fireworks July 4th and New Year’s Day. It just is what it is at this point. I used to have a dog that was terrified of boom noises but he just needed to be cuddled for a few hours and he was good so eh.

    Don’t like it buy some noise cancelling headphones, internet complaints will not change a tradition as American as apple pie.

  4. Fireworks on the 4th of July are fine. Fireworks most other times have become obnoxious at best.

    There’s constantly fireworks nowadays. This sounds kinda like “Karen” complaining, but I dont care. I’m over them. There used to be a build-up of fireworks close to the 4th and maybe other holiday weekends. All good, whatever. Now it’s just random explosions like 4 days per week from April to October, seems like half of them are at midnight. It’s old.

  5. Setting them off at 11pm in February? Stop being a prick. Angry at them being set off at 9pm when it’s 85 degrees out? Get over it. This time of year, set that shit off.

  6. I only have to deal with them 2 days of the year. I can live with that. Plus blowing shit up is fun.

  7. I grew up in a “going to see the fireworks over the river” family, not a “we’re doing our own fireworks at home” family.

    I’m pretty indifferent to at-home fireworks. sometimes they’re really cool & my boyfriend and I grab a beer and stand outside and watch. sometimes they go on too late & can be a little annoying.

    however, I will forever love seeing big fireworks shows done over water. there’s something so magical and fun about the experience. everyone outside in the summer just chilling and watching the show. I love it.

  8. For me, I think the colors are pretty and all, but I can’t take the noise even when I try so it completely ruins fireworks for me and it makes me hate them. It has nothing to do with what the holiday is about, I have no problem with people wanting to celebrate America’s anniversary, but fireworks can give me legit panic attacks because I have pretty bad anxiety and sensitive hearing. I wish they were only reserved for professional displays.

  9. In yet another shining example of a certified Reddit Moment, this website is the only place I’ve ever encountered an opinion on fireworks that wasn’t either “yes” or “fuck yes.”

  10. I love them it is about the only holiday that I actually go out and do something. That being said please for the love of god don’t be stupid and light them in areas that are fire-prone or better yet go watch the professional ones. I’m going to watch them in Lake Tahoe this year and I’m pretty excited.

  11. Huge fan of scheduled, professional fireworks.

    Real fucking tired of the assholes in my neighborhood setting them off as I’m trying to sleep.

  12. I hate them. It’s like a war zone in my neighborhood. And fine, whatever, do them on the 4th, and maybe a day before. But it lasts all week or longer. And people will do them in the middle of the night when we have to work the next day. I wouldn’t dream of mowing my yard early in the morning, yet some of my neighbors will set off fireworks at 1am, days before or after the 4th. It’s rude.

  13. A proper professional-caliber fireworks show – awesome, love going to see them.

    Grew up near one of the major companies and they’d do a special local show every year for an Italian-American festival, was always one of the highlights of my year.

    Intermittent booms coming from some neighbor’s house constantly – Not so awesome. Fine on the 4th and NYE, but otherwise it gets old quickly.

  14. I absolutely hate them. I hate loud sounds in general. Especially the huge house shaking booms.

    The 4th of July is easily the worst holiday for me.

  15. No problem with fireworks, some problems with the idiots using them. Though that’s more because my sister is an EMT, and just *has* to show me the really gnarly aftermath of fireworks + alcohol. Like last year, dude lost his hand. Not a finger, not a few fingers, half his hand, and the rest had to be amputated.

  16. In our neighborhood they have a professional fireworks display twice a week, every damn week, throughout the summer. It gets old. Still, that is a million times better than when some random neighbor starts shooting some off at 2:00 am on a Wednesday.

  17. HATE THEM. I’m the Grinch. The noise, the noise, the noise noise noise noise. And they continue in my neighborhood most of the night for days surrounding Independence Day, even though they’re illegal here. And then come the inevitable fire engine and ambulance sirens. I want to sleep!

    Little sparkly lights in the sky and snappy bangs are not NEARLY exciting enough to be worth the aggravation.

    I’m fine with a brief professional show just after dark.

  18. I like professional shows. I mostly like the anarchic random ones on actual celebratory days like the Fourth of July and New Year’s Eve. I dislike the random ones that people in the neighborhood set off for weeks before and after these holidays which terrify my cat into hiding under chairs and beds.

  19. Like others said, on holidays its fine since its expected and makes for an enjoyable time. Another other time go fuck yourself

  20. I don’t care what time of year. They’re great. Love blowin stuff up. Anytime within a week before and after 7/4 is absolutely free territory, any other time of year is a couple then run off lol

  21. Organized city display with proper fire regulation? Fine. Some drunk assholes down the street with guns and fireworks? I hate playing the game of gunshots or fireworks.

    I also have a small child and dread fireworks holidays and what they could mean for our night’s sleep.

  22. I love them, and deeply enjoy setting them off myself!

    …that said, I also understand why people *wouldn’t* want to hear whistles, pops, and bangs at dead hours of the night or random days in the year. I limit mine to no later than an hour or so after sunset, and only on appropriate holidays. I respect my neighbors, and in return I’ve had no problems from them.

  23. I love em whenever. Not as cool here as in Japan but idk how anyone could have an issue

  24. they’re fun whenever i visit family in other regions but other then that i never understood setting off fireworks in arizona, in other climates it can be fine but its already like 105 degrees outside and the chances you start a fire are high enough to make me stay away. fireworks set off at parks or stadiums, professionally are cool though.

  25. I think it’s ridiculous to set off fireworks in residential areas. It’s the biggest time of the year for pets to go missing because they are afraid of the noise. They’re so overrated, anyway. I’m not amused by them at all. It’s nice to see them when you’re at Disney or something, but they’re not that cool that I would disturb my neighbors to see them.

  26. Love um, wish they were sold year round in Iowa like they are in Missouri.

  27. Eh, they have their time and place. I don’t mind people shooting them off around the 4th of July or New Years.

    On the night of the 4th it sounds like Falujah where I live. I go out with a cooler full beers and admire the show put on by my fellow scofflaws. All I ask is that you don’t set any fires and stop blowing shit up a few nights later. I’ve become so desensitized to loud bangs I rally can’t tell the difference between fireworks and actual gunshots anymore. Which is kind of a problem when actual gunshots ring out, which does happen around here from time to time.

  28. Love watching them. Don’t love watching people screw around with them. I just saw a video from somewhere in my state where an extremely altered man let a firework go off in his hand, and seconds later, the video shows him holding his BEYOND RUINED hand up to the horrified crowd. It looked like a horror game … But in real life. The same firework killed another man when it hit him in the chest.

    Also, living in a family with a fire department member usually results in some terrible 4th of July cautionary (true) tales.

    But personally, watching fireworks is one of my favorite experiences in life. That’s all.

  29. Any more than 3 times per year is excessive. Fourth of July. Fine. But people have been setting them off for a few weeks now and will keep setting them off for a few weeks after the 4th.

  30. Love them. So glad my neighbors feel the same. Fireworks are the one total waste of money thing in which I choose to indulge.

  31. Neat. But they’re made of fire, and my state is made of tinder and gasoline fumes.

  32. They actually reek havoc on local wildlife so I’m not that fond of them. Also there are always stories of missing dogs that got scared and ran away

  33. Tonight will probably be night four of 1am fireworks. I have a toddler that keeps getting woken up, then I’m up for hours. So yeah, right now I really hate fireworks

  34. Light that shit up dawg (safely and be aware of how that can affect animals and veterans)

  35. I like them, but they scare the hell out of my dogs. So it’s not worth it. Also I feel like there should just be better courtesy with them in my neighborhood. Last year the neighbor and his family was lighting them off until almost 3 am. Some people are just rude about them.

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