I just read of a creative who lived in a Central European country and she finds all the rules and the rule-loving mentality there stiffened her creativity. She moved to Spain and now she says her creations are more appreciated.

So I was thinking are some countries more suited for those seeking creative work like the way painters often go live in Paris (vs, say Oslo) and designers either there, London or Milan (vs Vienna). Opera singers have more outposts like Milan, Prague, Vienna, London, Paris and many more. But it seems like bar bands can make a living more easily in the UK or Southern Europe, even non-capital regions like the Algarve & Costa Del Sol than in a Northern or Central European country. In Southern Europe the taverna culture often invites live performances while many bars further north do not have live scenes at all.

Would you say it’s easier to make a living as a creative person in some rather than other countries?

  1. > creative person

    What should that even mean? I’m a creative person and I live from what I invent, and I don’t need any other people but my salespeople for that.

    And it’s pretty much the same with writers, or painters. They separate themselves from stupid reality so they can work. And very often, they do it at remote places.

    It’s different for people doing live performances, sure.

  2. in post communist countries like Slovakia, people still think, and covid just opened it even more, that all creative people, especially artists are just overpaid parasites or manchildren play-pretending on stage

    and those who work blue-collar still have trouble accepting that -yes, 32 years after Revolution – that people in white-collar jobs earn much more for ´´worthless office job´´…and this is not only for uneducated people, you should read discussions how engineers hate teachers – because they got degrees for singing alphabet, have vacation half of year and teach kids nothing – end of quote

    yes, i find art teachers creative and others soft or life science….what else is teaching?

    so yeah, STEM people find soft science people mentally challenged, artists even more ´´plus they all do drugs´´…..the only paradox is that when minority member becomes famous due to art they get suddenly accepted….

    socialism keeps damaging this country on and on even if it is no more…

    do you find this kind of social atmosphere inspiring?

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