What is something you did to stop being self conscious?

  1. Got rid of my TV and social media. I strife to be how I like myself and not what is advertised as awesome by people that wanna sell me stuff.

  2. Went sober, stopped watching porn, no social media. Started working out, committed to and achieved great purpose.

  3. Short answer, I took many nights to think about how much I think about other peoples actions in terms of judgment like if it’s as bad as I judge myself

    I concluded no

    I also concluded I’m rather average.

    If I’m average, then everybody on average doesn’t give a fuck about me with small stuff on a daily basis same why I don’t give a fuck about them

    Self consciousness cured unless it’s someone I really really want approval of like my boss or a loved one

  4. To many people feel they should change to fit what society dems as right, No ones opinion matters none of us are perfect

  5. Start saying positive affirmations out loud. I always sarcastically said I had the body of a Greek God and overly exaggerated my looks with my friends where they knew I wasn’t being serious, but hearing it out loud made me feel better and started to make me like the way I look.

  6. Give everybody compliments as silly as that sounds.

    Feels weird rhe first few times but now it’s natural, your hair looks pretty, I say so. Homie looking fly in his jacket, let him know.

    Taught me that talking to people of either gender is easier than you think and I love putting smiles on people’s faces.

    Yeah every once in a while a girl will give me a weird look or a sarcastic thanks, but that’s their problem not mine.

  7. Factual thinking. Instead of letting emotions get me overwhelmed, factual thinking helps me act a fact-dependent basis. In addition to making me do right choices, I find this mindset helps me having confidence in myself as it allows me to act right. Furthermore, I better understand wrong things that I do and can therefore learn about my mistakes, making me wiser.

    But don’t forget that we still are human, having bad mood is a powerful tool that is important to figure out when something goes wrong and help us discover/understand ourselves. So don’t blame yourself with it, just use it as a tool !
    Furthermore, sensitivity also allows appreciating good things in life. 🙂

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