I got to a point where I had developed a small crush on a friend. Told them, they don’t reciprocate but really wanted to make future plans/do stuff with me again and were generally a lovely person about it.

I don’t feel awkward about it tbh but I have been giving myself some distance since then to let the feelings fade, go on dates, and stay busy. I definitely think I’m coming to a place where I can be this person’s friend and it can all be 100% platonic.

My question is, how do I do this? I was thinking of just keeping it casual and. sending a tiktok that I thought they’d find funny. I’ll probably wait a little longer for my own sake to make sure I’m feeling ok to move forward but yeah. Would love other people’s perspective on:

How you got back in touch and how long you waited to.

  1. I think sending a TikTok is a good way to get back in touch. You mentioned it’ll be one they’ll find funny and having a laugh is a good way to do things 😊

  2. I’m experiencing the exact thing. And this person is literally next door. I’m open to chat if you want. No weird stuff lol

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