Would you get upset or see it as a red flag if the guy you’re dating refuses to do things like open doors for you, help you when you’re carrying things that are obviously too heavy or parking in a far away parking spot and making you walk blocks to the entrance while he waits in the car? When he could have dropped you off closer instead?

  1. It’s not even a chivalry thing, it’s just very inconsiderate. I would think they aren’t a very kind person

  2. That would feel pretty off putting to me. Even as woman, I can’t imagine not holding the door open for my date if I’m the first to reach it or offering to help carry things if my hands are free. I can only hope your building makes it awkward to wait in front of, because I also can’t imagine making someone walk several blocks if completely unnecessary. All of this just screams inconsiderate and that’s super unattractive. These are all little things someone should be doing automatically, without thought, whether you’re dating, friends, related, coworkers, or whatever. It’s telling they can’t even do these when they should be putting their best foot forward.

  3. All those things are just plain rude. If a guy did that to me such as my boyfriend then I’m obviously going to say something.

  4. Yes 💯 chivalry is nice in certain situations, but etiquette and consideration is so important. Like if a guy were like that to me I’d probably not want to date him, since it’s behaviour like that repels rather than attracts. Kindness is still a thing we need. I don’t like a rude ass

  5. Well not red flag but lets say it takes away from any charm we may have thought you had and a guy who does this will automatically be better viewed so in terms of first dates you might lose the chance to second dates to dudes who do this.

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