Been dating this girl for a year and we got a lease on an apartment (6 months, currently on month 5). She said I did everything perfect and she just lost feelings for me and that’s it. After 3 days of breaking up she gets a new boyfriend and takes her to our apartment when I decided to stay at my parents house and they slept together in my bed after I said I didn’t want him sleeping there. They are trying to be civil and want me to sign another lease but with the new boyfriend on it and they said we’ll all just chill together. I was angry and said how I don’t want him sleeping in my bed and it was fucked and if roles were reversed you’d understand how fucked this is. I don’t want to move back in with my parents cause of my past but I also think it’ll be way too awkward and go through too much pain if I’m living in the same place as my exes new boyfriend. I also can’t afford to live on my own. Going through a ton of pain right now and I feel like here is the only place I can vent. We ended our relationship on good terms and we agreed to be friends but all this is making everything hurt worse.

  1. You have to sepperate from eachother to truelly move on. And starting a lease with your exes bf? Why the fuck would you even consider that, i wpuld live out of my car before doing that

  2. Draw a line, take her back or move out and do you. No let’s all hang out bullshit. Unless your into that kinda stuff than that’s a whole different conversation.

  3. you think they dont undersatnd how fucked up this is?

    theyre fucking on your bed to drive you away, they want you out and they want the apartment for themselves.. leave asap, they’re just going to keep rubbing their relationship in your face, more than likely she feeds on your misery because making you hurt feeds into her need to feel worth something.

    (you in pain = she’s still worth something)

    >Been dating this girl for a year

    also this is the stupidest part about the whole post, that was way too fast to move in with someone.

  4. 3days? So she cheated.

    They want to sign a new lease with you? As you are probably the main breadwinner?

    Why should you be the one to leave the apartment? Are you able to pay for it on your own?


  5. Not only no, but FUCK NO. If you can, find your own place. Do not sign a lease with them. You really want to live with your ex girlfriend? Hear her giggling with him? Hearing them have sex? Sharing meals with the two of them? Just thinking about that makes me want to take a grippy sock vacation.

  6. Left and our? Whoever’s name it is in, it’s their apartment. Someone needs to pack their bags and find a new place

  7. stop paying rent, dont sign another lease and block your ex. they dont have the legal recourse to kick you out either. so stop letting her push you around

  8. you’re going to end up killing yourself from the mental torture of living with her new dude and her. don’t do that to yourself op, you don’t deserve that. start looking for people who are looking for roommates asap. if you have to live out of your car for a bit then so be it. easier said than done i know, but knowing you come from an abusive family then maybe it’s your only choice until you can stand on your own two feet. new place looking for roommates is the way to go my friend, godspeed, and good luck.

  9. Hii!! If you make decent money you can always find an extended stay hotel than you can pay monthly for until you find a place!
    I did this when I escaped my abusive ex before meeting my husband

  10. Step 1 is get your bed out of there. They can fuck on the ground or spend money on a new bed

  11. Let her leave with he new loser……you need to see if this guy has any criminal record, and tell the apartment manager, what your gf is trying to do….btw, call the cops your name is on the lease and not his as you get restraining order on his loser ass

  12. This girl is playing games with you, probably longer than you’d realize, ditch her, cut your losses on the apartment, block her on everything. Get your name off that lease because a person this crazy is guaranteed to try and wreck the place and leave you liable for the damages

  13. Find a new flatmate and cut off your ex.


    Stop wallowing. Start searching. Wallow after you find a place. But def cut her out of your life, ffs.

  14. First thing, figure out if there’s a tenants rights organization in your state. Call them and figure out legal options. Most likely you need to put in lease termination NOW because things are going to go month to month. They might also be able to figure out a way for you to ban the new BF. Ask them if they can know of other housing sources. Specially private sources like people renting rooms in their house.

  15. Look for some subletting or even house-sitting if you aren’t able to find a more permanent situation. There’s usually some short term options (couple weeks, a month, etc)

  16. Fuck them up financially first, you still got a place to chill at your parents, you’re a lucky one.

    Only one month left? So chill. But you want revenge. Let nature take care of that. And yes you will be transient for a bit. But better to learn now than struggling on a 6 year lease when you’re deep in debt, after a baby.

    Fuck “awkward”. She did not find this boy to move in on your space in 3 days. She has been fucking him for months.

    Get your shit out of there, don’t pay the last month rent because you will be speaking to a lawyer before you need to do that, even if you can hold it for 3 months (Covid, whatever, be creative)

    Are you ready to fight this guy? Physically kick his ass?

    You need to create a throwaway account and ask learned lawyers according to your district of law.

    But fuck em up. You must. This guy is wiping his dick on your curtains.

    That is war.

  17. I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. Im not sure if it’s much help, but check with local church groups. A lot of people will often post on their monthly bulletins that they’re looking for a roommate. Or see if there’s a coworker who will let you crash with them for a bit ❤️

  18. As of now I really appreciate all the advice and just how many people are here. Sorry if I haven’t responded to everyone but I’ve read mostly everything. I really do appreciate the help. Thank you.

  19. I know it sucks but you can live in your car. Truck stops have showers or you can join a gym if you can afford it and shower there. Get a cooler for drinks. Do not keep meat and stuff in there. You will probably end up eating fast food a lot. If you have friends ask if you can prepare food at their houses or even store some there even if you have to pay them a little to do it.

    If you can kick your ex out and get a roommate do it.

    Do NOT go back to your abusive dads house.

    I lived out of my car for a year to save money and get away from a toxic ex. It sucks but it is better than living with someone who hits you or someone who cheats on you in your own bed.

  20. Don’t sign a damn thing. Move your stuff out as soon as possible and cut off all contact

  21. What is your landlord like? If you’re relationship isn’t too bad, I would perhaps call them (calmly) and ask if you can transfer your half of the lease to this new dude.

    Or, see if you can arrange to get her out, and look for another roommate online.

    Your ex is being very manipulative, and at this rate, a complete stranger sounds like a better option. Don’t stay in that apartment with her.

    Do you two share a bed? If you have a seperate room, I would go after her and him for trespassing if this continues. If you two share a bed, PLEASE stop sharing a bed with your ex – that’s a very messy situation, and is only going to lead to more problems.

    OP, regardless of what you decide to do, this situation sucks, and I hope you can get out of this soon!

  22. Disrespect as the max level. You are being too nice to the point she is going savage on you.

  23. That sounds like she’s asking for either a throuple situation. But anyway steer clear and move out. It’s gonna be hell and probably bring out everyone’s worst side.

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