What are you insecure about?

  1. Not being good enough. Could be anything really, not good at conversing, sex, not funny enough, not interesting enough, not good looking.

  2. Smalltalk.

    I have aspergers and I just do not understand it. I hate it so so so much. Unless there is a topic i live veing discussed, I just try to avoid social conversation.

  3. I never really shared this insecurity in public but the biggest one for me is – lack of social circle/life.

    I grew up in a culture where there was a negative stigma on someone who is a loner.

    I’ve been a loner for large chunks of my life. I was always really introverted and struggled to make friends.

    I think I have great social skills now and have a few good friends but I still don’t have a friend group that people do when they hang out on weekends.

    I get insecure when I am perpetually alone or perceived to be a loner. People seem to make negative assumptions (“something must be off with him to always be alone”) or people pity you and I would hate that.

    A weird one but it is probably my biggest insecurity

  4. im not insecure about it but

    1. my forehead is big
    2. i don’t like how my cheeks look
    3. and i think my fingers look too chubby

    but yah im not losing sleep about those things, they’re just features of my body that i don’t like

  5. not attractive enough, not tall enough, my torso is too big, my body looks like shit, i’m more shy than other guys when it comes to women etc.

  6. My current lack of ability in being financially stable, I started a new job today, that’s going to change very quickly though, things are looking up.

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