I (F26) went on a date with a M27 I met on Bumble on Saturday (coffee and a walk). I invited him to meet and paid for our coffees. Overall, I thought that it went really well (was about three hours long) and we had a lot of similar interests (only big difference is that he is big into Catholicism). At the end of the date, we did not exchange numbers as I was expecting but he hugged me and said let’s do this again sometime. I messaged him on the app the following day and said I had a great time and asked him about his day. So far, I have not heard back. Do you think he is interested? And at what point do you move on from a guy after a date?

Edit/Update: I heard back from him on Monday night. He responded with “Hey I did too! Thanks for the coffee, it was very sweet” and said his day was busy with a friend doing an outdoor activity. The last part of his message said “Hope you had a good weekend too.”

  1. He would’ve got your number or texted first if he was interested. Move on

  2. I would take it as the guy wasnt interested. I feel like if guys are interested, they would have replied yr text.

  3. Yeah I feel like religion is a pretty big difference. But I think it’s best to move on because the guy doesn’t sound too interested (which happens) I think you should focus your energy on meeting someone else, who reciprocates the same level of interest after the date and let’s it be known they’re enthusiastic about getting to know you. Life is too short to spend time with anyone who is meh about you or isn’t on the same page in terms of mutual interest!

  4. I think take it as a big hint that he’s not interested. Look he only said that because he didn’t have the heart to tell you, which was a poor move. I think give it another 2 days and if by that time you don’t hear anything you need to move on. Move on but either focusing on other things or dating someone else

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