I’m courious about it, what do you think?
It can be raw sex in general, with your partner, wife/husband, bf/gf, even with a stranger

Or if you need to have a special bond, trust, anything between the two parts to have raw sex

In my case I had to be in a relationship for more than a year with my gf to have raw sex

  1. basically exclusive, or living together, or negative
    test result, or in official ltr.. one of those

  2. Exclusive, trust and tests.

    If bringing in a 3rd and not exclusive, trust and test.

  3. Past their ovulation window, also yes- trust, monogamous, exclusivity..

  4. Basically exclusive, well it’s a pretty loose definition for us meaning only sleeping in the same group of people. Some sort of birth control should be active. At least a FWB, not a fling.

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